News Release

UNDP and Cisco Systems Bring Internet Education Collaboration to Vietnam

UNDP-sponsored United Nations Volunteer appointed to widen the reach of Cisco Networking Academy Program throughout country
Dec 08, 2004

HANOI, Vietnam - December 8, 2004 - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Cisco Systems® have brought their global collaboration on Internet education to Vietnam. A UNDP-sponsored United Nations Volunteer (UNV) has been appointed to widen the availability of the Cisco Networking Academy® Program in smaller cities such as Cantho, Dalat, Danang, Hue and help them understand the value of the Internet and IT education.

UNDP, through the Asia Pacific Development Information Programme (APDIP), and Cisco® have worked successfully together for several years to bring the Networking Academy program to underserved populations in Asia Pacific. In addition, UNVs have been appointed by the UNDP and Cisco to support participation in the program in remote areas throughout the region. Currently, there are UNVs working in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand - and now Vietnam.

"The UNDP is committed to bridging the 'digital divide' in remote areas. Countries such as Vietnam can benefit tremendously from advanced education. While the country has a 94 percent literacy rate, it is only in the 112th position of the UNDP Human Development Index with 50 percent of its population 18 years or under," said Mr Subinay Nandy, UNDP Resident Representative (ad interim) in Vietnam. "The UNDP is delighted to have committed private sector companies such as Cisco Systems to help in our efforts. The Cisco Networking Academy program has proven to be an excellent building block for many people in underdeveloped nations to get a start in the Internet economy."

Since it was launched in 1997, the community investment-based Cisco Networking Academy program has become a model for partnership between the public and private sectors. One of the largest e-learning "laboratories" in the world, the Academy program curriculum uses technologies associated with networking and the Internet to impart skills for how to plan, build and deploy those same networks to students.

The program has been embraced globally for its open-standards content by 10,000 educational institutions around the world. Over 380,000 students in 160 countries have already completed the Networking Academy program.

"Cisco truly understands how the Internet is changing the way people work, live, play, and learn. The Networking Academy program has been a very effective way of providing people with the skills and the knowledge that will enable them to be successful," said Robert Hughes, general manager of Cisco Systems Vietnam. "We are already seeing a tremendous response to the program here and we are pleased to be able to play a role in the Vietnam's national development."

There are currently 13 universities in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Dalat and Hue, running the Networking Academy program with 1,000 participating students. More than 1,300 graduates have graduated from the program in Vietnam.

Cisco is also hosting its annual Networking Academy conference in Hanoi this week. The event brings together 120 experts from 80 of the top educational institutions from around Asia Pacific region. The conference is being held here to celebrate the advances that Vietnam has made in the development of its people and the importance of advanced technology training in the country's universities.

About UNDP

UNDP is the United Nations' global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP is on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. Information on UNDP is available at