Press Release

University of Hong Kong, SPACE joins Cisco Networking Academy Program as Cisco expands program in HKSAR

Nov 29, 2001

HONG KONG -- 29 November 2001 -- Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, today welcomed the University of Hong Kong's School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE) as the newest member of its highly successful Cisco Networking Academy Program.

The Cisco Networking Academy Program is a partnership between Cisco Systems, education, business, government and community organisations around the world aimed at providing an internationally recognised, non-profit, Internet-based education course to nurture networking professionals. Operating in nearly 8,500 educational institutions in 134 countries worldwide, it is the first e-learning program dedicated to providing the knowledge and skills to help students build careers within the IT and Internet networking industries.

As the extension arm of the University of Hong Kong, SPACE provides learning opportunities for personal, professional and career development and is the region's leading provider of continuing education. Its participation in the Cisco Networking Academy Program will offer its participating students invaluable training in the day-to-day operation and maintenance of computer networks.

"The SAR has embraced the Cisco Networking Academy Program with unmatched enthusiasm, and I am pleased to welcome the University of Hong Kong's School of Professional and Continuing Education as our latest regional partner. Its students will now have the tools to develop practical networking knowledge and expertise in a hands-on environment," said Frankie Sum, managing director, Cisco Systems (HK) Limited. "Cisco is delighted to provide the curriculum, training, support and equipment to establish and maintain the Academies."

In addition to forming the new Regional Academy, Cisco and HKU SPACE, along with other selected vendors, will support the Train-the-Trainer Program for Secondary School Teachers organised by Hong Kong Government's Information and Technology Services Department and Education Department. This program promotes the use of IT in school teaching and learning programs, and provides opportunities for secondary teachers and students to gain early exposure to the use of IT. These training programs can lead to professional qualifications that are recognised internationally and are designed to help students to acquire an edge in establishing a career or pursuing further study in IT.

"HKU SPACE plays an important role in Hong Kong's educational community, providing continuing education to those wishing to increase their knowledge, expertise and marketability. By joining the Cisco Networking Academy Program, we are offering our students a rare opportunity to gain real-world networking experience and thus prepare for the situations they'll encounter in their daily work," said Dr. F.T. Chan, Principal Program Director, Division of Information Technology, HKU SPACE. "This, combined with our new role in the government's Train-the-Trainer Program, will allow us to open new doors for our IT students."

The Cisco Networking Academy Program operates in the form of a network of Regional Academies and Local Academies. Regional Academies, such as HKU SPACE, are usually colleges or universities that support up to 10 other secondary and tertiary institutions known as Local Academies. Regional Academy instructors also train and mentor Local Academy instructors in the operation of the program and the teaching of the curriculum.

The success of the Academy Program in the Asia Pacific region has been unprecedented, and helped influence the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) to select Cisco to participate in its new initiative, the Human Capacity Building Promotion Program, commencing this month all over the Asia Pacific region. The goal of the China-initiated and -led program is to bridge the 'digital divide' and nurture the IT workforce, and Cisco was selected because of its technology leadership, contributions to e-learning and networking education programs in the region, particularly in countries such as China. The three-year Internet-based project incorporates key elements of the Cisco Networking Academy Program.

The Cisco Networking Academy Program also acts to support the Hong Kong SAR Government's Digital 21 strategy and, in turn, the Academy Program enjoys the support of the Government, particularly the Education Department, which publicly endorsed the program when it was launched in Hong Kong in 1999.

Since that time, the Academy Program has established Regional Academies in co-operation with City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Vocational Education Council, Pui Ching Education Centre, and now HKU SPACE.

"Cisco fully supports the Hong Kong Government's belief that Hong Kong needs to ensure it has enough IT professionals if it is to become the leading digital city of the 21st century. For that to happen, Hong Kong needs to maximise its use of information technology in education," Mr. Sum said. "Ever-increasing cooperation between our educational institutions, government and the private sector will help develop the IT skills of Hong Kong students."


As the Extension Arm of the University of Hong Kong, the School of Professional and Continuing Education provides learning opportunities for personal, professional and career advancement. With over 1,300 courses, over 500 full-time and 1,000 part-time staff, SPACE is the leading local provider in the field of continuing education. Since its establishment in 1956, enrolment has exceeded one million. In 1999 to 2000, the enrolment figure was 90,000, which is equivalent to about 14,000 full-time students. SPACE has been a proponent of Lifelong Learning, reflecting its conviction that in today's knowledge-based society, the education that people receive in the early stages of their life needs to be constantly augmented, not only for advancing their careers, but also to enhance the quality of their life and meet the demands imposed on them by continuing technological progress. More information about the HKU SPACE is available at

About Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Cisco news and information are available at

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