News Release

Russia's Largest Car Manufacturer Chooses Cisco to Enhance Effective Collaboration

More Than 500 Employees of AvtoVAZ to Use Cisco TelePresence on Weekly Basis
Jun 28, 2012

MOSCOW June, 28, 2012 – Cisco today announced the deployment of its video communications solution by AvtoVAZ. Russia's largest car manufacturer is using the latest Cisco TelePresence® technology to help optimize internal and external communications between AvtoVAZ employees and its business partners in Russia and abroad. Cisco solutions are helping the car giant improve operational performance on the territory of the largest country in the world (6,592,800 sq mi), transforming the company to a new stage of business effectiveness.  

AvtoVAZ chose Cisco TelePresence as it delivers high-quality, lifelike video, ensuring broader functionality and more convenient management capabilities than any of the existing alternatives.  Another benefit of Cisco TelePresence is security (confidentiality of transferred data), which is one of the main requirements of AvtoVAZ and its partners. 

The audio and video formats make it possible for the enterprise to raise efficiency of business processes, cut traveling expenses and save time of employees.  In the process of video conferences, all participants actively share various materials with remote counterparts. 

The company is using the high-performance, fault-tolerant scalable Cisco TelePresence MSE 8000 Series platform for audio and video conferencing and the highly efficient Cisco TelePresence System Profile MXP Series HD for video communications. AvtoVAZ also plans to expand its audio and video conferencing network and to use it more intensively. 

At the workplaces of managers and specialists of the company, one can see fully integrated personal video collaboration Cisco TelePresence System 1700 MXP systems, personal video conferencing Cisco TelePresence Systems EX90 and EX60, and the universal Cisco TelePresence Codec C40, as well as Cisco TelePresence System Quick Set C20 hardware packages for quick video deployment. Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server, installed at Renault, offers employees of the Russian enterprise and its European partners the opportunity of video communications in a reliable enterprise-grade telecommunications system (European Network Exchange) used by European industrial enterprises.  In the future AvtoVAZ specialists plan to use these resources and to merge their telephone network with networks of the European partners. 

Supporting Quotes

Yuri Ponomarev, deputy chief engineer, head of corporate network installation and maintenance department in charge of AtoVAZ

"Initially, Cisco TelePresence was offered to the top management of the company.  Now about 15 video conferences take place every day across the whole enterprise. Every week about 500 employees take part in video conferences. Cisco TelePresence solutions are used not only within the organization, but also for interaction with our partners, for instance with Nissan and Renault, banks, and financial institutions, as well as for meetings with the heads of government agencies. At first video conferences with partners in Moscow, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo and in some cities of Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Cuba, and Romania were organized via ISDN channels and via public Internet.  After Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server had been installed at AvtoVAZ, video connections became possible through different channels with centralized management."

Irina Stepanova, regional director, Collaboration Technologies, Cisco, Russia, and CIS:

"It is very difficult to calculate precisely the return of investment in video communications, because the benefits are not confined to direct material gains only.  Frequent meetings enabled by audio and video conferencing help us to enhance relations with colleagues, partners and customers, which is very important for the development of the company."

Tags, Keywords: CIS, Russia, Cisco, Cisco TelePresence, AvtoVAZ

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About AvtoVAZ 

AvtoVAZ is the largest car manufacturer in Russia actively operating in 46 countries.  The company employs about 65, 000 people. The AvtoVAZ Group includes about 270 daughter companies. All these resources create global opportunities to the company. The Group is active in such areas as telecommunications, energy, and construction, as well as offers financial and insurance services. More details are available at

About Cisco

Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Information about Cisco can be found at For ongoing news, please go to Cisco equipment in Russia is supplied through its authorized channel partners by Cisco Systems International BV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cisco Systems, Inc.

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