Machines that think for themselves have captured our imagination since the earliest days of science fiction. But in 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a fictional concept. Non-human agents are making smart decisions in fields ranging from entertainment to medicine.
AI went truly mainstream with the launch of ChatGPT (for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) in 2022. Designed as a natural language chatbot, ChatGPT saw AI reaching new heights of humanlike behavior. Here we look at how AI got there — and where it may go next.
Artificial intelligence is on everyone’s lips today but has been a long time in the making.

Next: Intro
Artificial intelligence is on everyone’s lips today but has been a long time in the making.

Next: 1940
Asimov writes of robots

Next: 1950
Turing proposes a test

Next: 1956
AI research begins

Next: 1958
Enter the perceptron

Next: 1969
Minsky mix-up nixes progress

Next: 1982
Japan ups computing effort

Next: 1997
Deep Blue beats Kasparov

Next: 2010
AI gets Siri-ous

Next: 2011
Watson wins Jeopardy!

Next: 2015
Ready, steady, AlphaGo

Next: 2022
ChatGPT goes live

Next: 2023
Calls for caution

Next: The future
AI with everything