Expect more planning and rehearsing in 2020 - on all fronts for security disasters. An increase in response exercise to data breaches and playbooks that lay out the process will help those to revert to well-practices responses in the time of a breach. Read more:
Seven cybersecurity tips for 2020 .
Seven cybersecurity tips for 2020 .

You'll see many more examples of intelligent assistance triggered by human voice, to smooth the path of collaboration. From simple actions like logging in or calling a number to more sophisticated ones like transcribing meeting minutes and automatically parsing the important points, it will become standard techniques of effective collaboration. Read more:
Top four predictions in 2020 for Unified Collaboration .
Top four predictions in 2020 for Unified Collaboration .

In 2020, Wi-Fi 6 will enter the enterprise, through the employee door and through enterprise access point refresh. 5G will also appear, although it will be mostly for consumers. We project that through 2020 more people will be using Wi-Fi 6 than 5G. Read more:
Enterprise networking in 2020: 5 trends to watch in wireless, SD-WAN, more .
Enterprise networking in 2020: 5 trends to watch in wireless, SD-WAN, more .

It won’t happen overnight, as it will take deliberate effort and hard work from both OT and IT professionals. Organizations will have to look closely at the tools they use and decide if those tools hinder or help their efforts to align with the other organization. Read more:
IIoT security tips and trends for 2020 .
IIoT security tips and trends for 2020 .

Healthcare is a specific industry where we’ll see quicker adoption of 5G. Consistent, low-latency connections will help connect doctors from around the world and provide on-the-spot care to homes and remote locations. - Bob Everson, Global Director of Mobility and 5G, Cisco.