SAN JOSE, Calif., – Feb. 19, 2013 – Cisco announced today that Vodafone Netherlands, the second largest telecom service provider in the Netherlands, has deployed the BNG (Broadband Network Gateway) Service Manager enabling it to increase scalability and service velocity for its enterprise customers.
The software is a component of the recently announced Cisco® Quantum™, part of the Cisco Service Provider Mobility Group, enabling Vodafone Netherlands to deliver a superior enterprise customer experience through next-generation policy control and service management capabilities.
Key Facts/Highlights
- The Vodafone Netherlands solution uses the Cisco Quantum software suite to offer tiered broadband access services with flexible quota and application-level usage controls to its enterprise customers.
- BNG Service Manager combines the robust network control and service differentiation capabilities of the Cisco Intelligent Services Gateway and Cisco Quantum. The carrier-grade policy, charging and customer data management and analytics solution enables Vodafone Netherlands to deploy network- and application-aware policies in line with its enterprise broadband business model.
- Cisco Quantum software suite is widely deployed in mobile, Wi-Fi and fixed networks, giving service providers the flexibility to control, monetize and personalize the type of service they choose, on any type of network.
- With global Internet Protocol (IP) traffic projected to increase threefold over the next five years – after having increased eightfold over the past five years – carrier-scale policy control and services creation has never been more vital for service providers.
- Cisco also announced today the availability of software and infrastructure solutions featuring Cisco Quantum and new licensed radio technology. These elements, along with enhancements for the core mobile network, demonstrate how an open, programmable, application-aware framework enables service providers to profit from data in motion.
Supporting Quotes
- Jack Smits, general manager, enterprise customer solutions, Vodafone Netherlands
“We selected BNG Service Manager, enabled by Cisco Quantum, to better control, monetize and personalize our enterprise broadband offerings. With increased visibility into our enterprise customer broadband usage we can deploy resource admission control, validate available bandwidth and dynamically manage broadband performance. We now have the ability to quickly and easily roll out new mobile Internet services and promotions. Cisco delivered the best solution with a highly coordinated professional services delivery effort.”
- Shailesh Shukla, vice president and general manager, Software and Applications Group, Cisco
“With our widely deployed policy control solutions for mobile, Wi-Fi and fixed networks, we are now able to deliver software-driven innovations that accelerate new business possibilities for Vodafone Netherlands. We are pleased to have met Vodafone Netherlands’ expectations in a record two-month timeframe, providing higher configurability, greater visibility and recovery in session management and flexible automation in customer service delivery.”
Supporting Customer and Resources
- Vodafone Netherlands
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