News Release

Fixed Broadband Connections Grow 13.5% in Peru

Country Reaches a Penetration of 3.04 Connections per 100 Inhabitants
Jun 09, 2010

LIMA, Peru, June 8, 2010 - Cisco announced today the results of the Cisco® Broadband Barometer, which reported a growth of 13.5 percent in fixed broadband connections in Peru ending December 2009.

During the last year, 36,200 new connections were added, and the country reached a penetration of 3.04 per 100 inhabitants.

Home and enterprise segments experienced a growth of 4.8 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively. The Barometer inferred that the economic crisis decelerated the adoption of broadband in both markets.


  • Broadband connections continue to be concentrated in the residential segment, with 75 percent. The enterprise segment represents 25 percent of the connections.
  • Small and medium-sized businesses reached an annual growth of 17.5 percent.
  • More than three-fourths (77.15 percent) of the broadband connections are in Lima; 22.85 percent are in the rest of the country.
  • Nearly half (45 percent) of the broadband connections have speeds between 512 kilobits per second and 1 megabit per second; 32.8 percent have connections between 256 and 512 Kbps, and 17.8 percent have speeds higher than 1 Mbps.
  • Connections faster than 1 Mbps experienced growth of 69.3 percent.
  • The regions of the highest broadband penetration were Arequipa and Tacna with 3.5 percent, followed by La Libertad at 2.7 percent and ICA at 2.3 percent.
  • During the last year a growth of 510 percent in mobile broadband connections was generated.
  • Up till December 2009 mobile subscriptions reached a total of 98,697. Of these, 87 percent are in the individual and residential market segments.
  • Two-thirds (66 percent) of the mobile broadband connections are concentrated in Lima and 34 percent are in the rest of the country.

Supporting Quotes:

  • Alvaro Merino Reyna, general manager, Cisco Peru
  • "The access to the broadband is progressing so slowly that Latin America remains in a difficult position to reach the economic and social potential of IP networks. It is necessary to create a national broadband agenda with the goals of availability, penetration and quality and to encourage a business model based on quality as a differentiating factor".

    "High-speed networks are the base of the knowledge economy. They enable growth, and they will contribute to the recovery from the global economic crisis. Broadband offers a unique and profitable opportunity to increase the country's productivity and competitiveness."

About Barometer

Cisco Broadband Barometer is a Cisco initiative to promote and encourage accelerated broadband growth in Latin America. It sets a goal regarding connections, establishes a periodical measurement of progress, publishes these results, and develops timely strategies with service providers and governments.

Currently, Cisco Barometer measures broadband growth in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Peru and Uruguay. The Barometer has been supported in each case by the national government.