News Release

One Million Acts of Green Adds "Challenge" Component and Hits Quarter Million Milestone

Companies, organizations, schools and community groups can now challenge each other to meet or exceed OMAoG goals
Nov 14, 2008

TORONTO - November 14, 2008 - One Million Acts of Green (OMAoG), a unique collaboration between CBC and Cisco, has added a challenge function to the OMAoG comprehensive social networking website. Companies, organizations, schools and communities can now, in the spirit of friendly competition, challenge each other to commit acts and meet green goals. To date, Canadians have registered over 250,000 committed acts, representing a reduction of over 13,000,000 kg of greenhouse gases.

Challenges are a way to engage with your friends, family, co-workers or groups on One Million Acts of Green. To use the challenge function, log in to your OMAoG account and click on the "groups and challenges" tab. You can then create a group, see the number of groups you are already part of, or issue an individual challenge. If you are the administrator of a group you can challenge other groups, or accept challenges from other groups. Challenges can last between one week and six months. You can win a challenge by adding more Acts of Green than your opponents or reducing more greenhouse gas.

It's up to you to decide the terms of your challenges. For example, Mayor David Miller of Toronto has committed to drinking Toronto tap water, and has challenged mayors across the country to commit their own acts of green. Nitin Kawale, president of Cisco Canada has issued a 'get green' challenge to the North American IT industry to follow Cisco's lead and engage their employees, customers and partners across Canada and around the world, and make their acts of green count.

Since the launch of OMAoG on The Hour on CBC-TV on October 21, Canadians have truly embraced this grassroots campaign. Highlights include:

  • Students at Almaguin Highlands Secondary School in South River, Ontario, hosted an all-school assembly about waste & recycling, with a focus on One Million Acts of Green.
  • Next week, Dalhousie University is having a campus light bulb exchange, and handing out OMAoG seeded cards with each CFL light bulb. Their goal is to hand out 1,000 light bulbs. Each is considered an act of green.
  • Students and staff at Good Shepherd School in Peace River, Alberta, have set a goal to log 350 acts on the site.
  • Students at Bathurst High School in New Brunswick are preparing and handing out close to 4,000 Green Up Tool Kits to homes in the community.
  • The City of Regina is busy logging acts, with 34 members of their city group, and promoted OMAoG at their Green Drinks event last Friday.

More information on other acts of green, practical tips, inspiring videos and photos are available where you also add your acts, at:

One Million Acts of Green. One act at a time.

About Cisco

Cisco is changing the way people work, live, play and learn in new and more sustainable ways. Through our technology, we enable people to make powerful connections whether in business, education, philanthropy or creativity. Our technology forms the foundation of the Internet and the Internet isn't a network of computers, it's a network of people. We call this "The Human Network" - a network of people with the power to change the world we live and work in. We believe change is a good thing, and that technology can and should improve life. Because of Cisco's solutions, people can come together in ways never before imagined. It doesn't matter whether walls, borders, mountains, or oceans stand in the way, over the network, people can come together and transform business, communities, governments, schools, and lives. Together, we are more powerful than we ever could be apart. When the human network sets out to solve a problem, the result is a Human Network Effect.

About CBC

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. With 28 services offered on Radio, Television, the Internet, satellite radio, digital audio, as well as through its record and music distribution service and wireless WAP and SMS messaging services, CBC/Radio-Canada is available how, where, and when Canadians want it. &