News Release

Cisco to Outline Key Initiatives on Protecting Intellectual Property Rights At Arab World Consumer and Brand Protection Forum in Jeddah

Cisco will unveil a number of initiatives and take part in the launch of Intellectual Property Guidelines for industry to help set new standards across the region
Oct 20, 2008

RIYADH, October 20, 2008 - In line with its commitment to combat the sale and use of counterfeit and pirated products, Cisco announced today that it will participate in the launch of a new set of guidelines that have been developed in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP) at the first Arab Consumer and Brand Protection Forum in Jeddah from 19-21 October 2008.

The guidelines will be introduced to key players in the region for the first time and aim to establish stronger benchmarks for protecting intellectual property rights (IPR). The forum is taking place under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al-Faisal bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, the Governor of Makkah and is being organized by the Arab League and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) in association with Hemaya Universal.

Dr. Badr Al-Badr, managing director of Cisco Saudi Arabia and a keynote speaker at the forum, said, "Technology plays a crucial role in enabling collaboration between customs authorities, enforcement bodies, regulators, Ministries of Commerce and other government agencies to ensure they are able to communicate and share information so as to better enforce IP protection. Cisco has an experienced and well developed Brand Protection team whose global footprint demonstrates the company's commitment to protecting IP rights around the world. Cisco is honored to be a sponsor of the Arab World Protects Forum as it shows a real commitment by the Arab League and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce to tackle this increasingly strategic issue."

The forum also promises to bring about stronger government support and strengthen consumer awareness on the importance of Intellectual Property Rights and commercial fraud. Top of the agenda is the development of strategies and mechanisms that will help tackle the issue of counterfeiting and piracy in the Arab world which will in turn help protect the growing economies of the region.

Mike Watson, director of Brand Protection for Cisco, said, "Cisco takes the issue of the counterfeit product market very seriously. Because our customers expect and deserve the highest level of satisfaction when purchasing Cisco products, we actively monitor the counterfeit market and have longstanding processes in place to address this challenge. As part of our commitment to the integrity and quality of Cisco technology and services, our Brand Protection team leads a proactive, concerted and company-wide effort to prevent potential damage to our brand and to our customers as a result of counterfeiting."

Cisco will run a workshop with regional customs officers during the forum and intends to showcase its cutting edge technology, demonstrating how it can play a key role in helping enforcement authorities and others tackle the issue of effectively protecting IPR.