News Release

New Cisco IPoDWDM Enhancements Transport Service Provider Networks to 'Zettabyte Era'

Doubles Reach to Industry-Leading 2,000 Kilometers without Regeneration and Extends Cisco IPoDWDM Solution to Cisco XR 12000 / 12000 Series Routers
Jul 15, 2008

SAN JOSE, Calif. - July 15, 2008 - Cisco today announced new enhancements to its innovative Internet Protocol over dense wavelength-division multiplexing (IPoDWDM) technology, which helps enable service providers deliver a wide array of services to their businesses and consumers. Cisco pioneered the technology on its Cisco® Carrier Routing System (CRS-1), the core platform for the Cisco IP Next-Generation Network (IP NGN) architecture, as a means to minimize the additional capital and operating expenses associated with traffic growth. The Cisco technology is also now available at the edge of the network.

To handle the massive growth in video traffic and IPTV applications, service providers such as Sprint and Comcast are upgrading their core network infrastructures with high-capacity port modules that can provide data throughput at 40-gigabits per second (Gbps) across existing 10-Gbps systems using IPoDWDM. The advent of rich online video communications and entertainment, as well as social networking, has greatly increased the impact of video on network traffic.

In 2012, Internet video traffic alone will be 400 times the traffic carried by the U.S. Internet backbone in 2000, according to the "Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecast and Methodology, 2007-2012" report. Representative of this trend, Internet video has jumped from 12 percent of global consumer Internet traffic in 2006 to 22 percent in 2007. Video on demand (VoD), IPTV, peer-to-peer video, and Internet video are forecast to account for nearly 90 percent of all consumer IP traffic in 2012.

"Sprint's efforts to move to an all-IP platform continue to gain momentum," said Iyad Tarazi, vice president of network development for Sprint. "By converging all types of business applications (voice, video and data) on a common, flexible IP core network, customers can benefit from greater mobility, cost savings, real-time access to people and information and transform the way they do business with next-generation products and services."

"Video in all flavors means service providers must grow network capacity to meet exponential demands," said Michael Howard principal analyst at Infonetics Research. "Cisco has been in the forefront of anticipating fast-growing user demand for more bandwidth, and the increasing adoption of IPoDWDM is proof that its technology is also at the forefront."

New IPoDWDM Enhancements to Cisco IP NGN Infrastructure

Along with boosting port speeds to 40 Gbps to meet bandwidth growth, service providers are looking to integrate packet and optical transport layers with IPoDWDM technology. Cisco today also announced significant enhancements to its IPoDWDM solution and Cisco XR 12000 and 12000 Series routers for service providers. These include:

  • Doubling the reach of the Cisco CRS-1 40-Gbps IPoDWDM to an industry-leading 2,000 kilometers (about 1,250 miles) without regeneration. The new 40Gbps physical line module interface supports deployments in virtually any geographic area.
  • Extending the power of Cisco IPoDWDM solution to the network's edge on the Cisco XR 12000 and 12000 Series Routers with a new 10 Gigabit Ethernet shared port adapter that enables instant bandwidth up to 10 Gbps over 2,000 kilometers.
  • Reducing provisioning on the Cisco ONS 15454 platform with the industry's first omni directional and colorless mesh reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM). This will decrease truck rolls and lower the requirements for power, space and cooling by more than 50 percent.
  • Increasing resiliency with proactive protection feature that guards video and mission-critical data against fiber cuts by resetting failover benchmarks to 15 milliseconds (ms), three times faster than the industry standard of 50 ms.
  • Enhancing the ability for service providers to deploy with separate data and transport departments with virtual transponder - now transport departments can directly manage the optics integrated into the router.

"Service provider customers around the world are upgrading their networks to include an IPoDWDM interface module with the Cisco CRS-1 platform," said Kelly Ahuja, Cisco vice president and general manager of the service provider routing technology group. "By incorporating optical technologies directly into its most advanced and highest-capacity routers, Cisco offers service providers with the flexibility, scalability, ease of installation and management necessary to maximize their returns on network investments."

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The Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast and Methodology, 2007-2012 and the associated updated "Approaching the Zettabyte Era" Cisco white paper are part of the Cisco Visual Networking Index, an ongoing Cisco initiative designed to provide quantitative and qualitative information regarding trends in IP network demand and usage.

1 A zettabyte is equal to: 1 trillion gigabytes; 1,000 exabytes; 250 billion DVDs.

2 An exabyte is equal to: 1 billion gigabytes; 1,000 petabytes; 250 million DVDs.

Tags / Keywords

Cisco, Cisco CRS-1, Cisco IP NGN, Cisco IP Next-Generation Network, IP NGN, Cisco IPoDWDM, IPoDWDM, Cisco XR 12000 Series Routers, router, routers