February 15, 2008
What: On February 19, 2008, representatives from two world-renowned universities will discuss their vision, strategy, and rationale for evolving their campus networks to more powerful 802.11n wireless connectivity. IT professionals from Duke University and the University of California, Berkeley, will describe their experiences and successes with 802.11n. Duke University will describe its campus-wide 802.11n wireless network rollout of more than 2,500 access points - the largest planned 802.11n wireless LAN to date. And UC Berkeley will detail the benefits to its campus community of running various applications across a faster, reliable 802.11n wireless network.
The discussion will highlight:
- Key wireless mobility trends for 2008 and the demand for high-performance wireless networks
- Strategies for integrating and deploying an 802.11n wireless network in a large environment
- Planning and best practices for upgrading to 802.11n
- New ways of collaborating via 802.11n
- Live, interactive Q&A session.
Who: Kevin Miller, assistant director of Duke University's communications infrastructure and Fred Archibald, network manager of University of California, Berkeley's electrical engineering and computer sciences; hosted by Chris Kozup, senior manager of Cisco's mobility solutions.
When: Tuesday, February 19, 2007, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. PST
Where: Cisco's online videocast can be accessed at the URL below. Attendees should go to this URL on February 19 at 10:00 a.m. PST and select "Play" to launch the live presentation.
Technical Assistance: Attendees who experience difficulties connecting can contact support at 1 866 614 0208 or 617 778 9652. Phone support is available 30 minutes prior to and after the event, as well as during the videocast. Attendees may also submit an Online Support Request to CiscoTV_help@external.cisco.com or ciscotv_help@btci.com if necessary.
How: To schedule press interviews after the broadcast, please email Ed Tan, edgtan@cisco.com, or call 408 421 5132.
To schedule analyst interviews after the broadcast, please contact Laura Irwin, lirwin@cisco.com or call 408 853 8876.