Who: Ben Gibson, director of Enterprise Mobility Solutions and a Cisco enterprise technology partner.
What: Cisco® to present how a voice-ready wireless network and high-quality voice services, including new voice clients and applications, can boost business mobility and help improve productivity. Discussions to include:
- The Cisco Unified Wireless Network
- Voice-ready wireless networks
- Core design principles for voice over WLAN
- Best practices for deploying voice services
- Advancements in 802.11 a/b/g voice-ready technologies
- Partner solutions, including voice clients and applications
- Real-world customer voice-ready wireless LAN deployments
- Live question-and-answer session
When: Wednesday, March 14, 2007, 10 a.m. PDT.
Where: Register at: http://www.cisco.com/go/semreg/mobilitytvmar14/144739_4
How: To schedule press interviews, please e-mail Chris McKie, cmckie@cisco.com, or call 408 525-6366.