News Release

Free Electronic Prescription Software Trial Provides Unprecedented Availability for Physicians

TouchScript.NET Trial, m-Health Show Bring E-Prescribing into More Doctors' Offices
Oct 29, 2004

RENO, NV - October 29, 2004 - As an outreach to private group practices concerned with the costs of automation, Allscripts Healthcare Solutions (Nasdaq: MDRX) today announced a joint effort with Cisco Systems to provide a 30-day free trial version CD of TouchScript.NETTM to all attendees of the National Conference on m-Health and EOE. Networking leader Cisco and Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, the leading provider of clinical software, connectivity and information solutions that physicians use to improve healthcare, will distribute copies of this CD at Allscripts Booth #212 on the convention floor. Copies may also be obtained by calling 866-261-8952, or via the TouchScript website at

Allscripts and Cisco recognize the critical importance of helping physicians evolve their practices to mobile health and the electronic order entry processes. Prescription administration remains one of the largest, paper-based processes in the country, with estimates of more than three billion prescriptions written annually. This non-automated prescription processes is also highly inefficient and susceptible to errors. The TouchScript.NET solution, accessible via the Internet with industry-leading security features, enables physicians to quickly prescribe, check for drug interactions, access medication histories, review drug reference information, and send prescriptions directly to the pharmacy.

"We're excited to be leading the expansion of healthcare information technology by using e-prescribing to help physicians take their first steps towards full clinical automation," commented Glen Tullman, Chief Executive Officer of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions. "This free trial of the industry's leading e-prescribing software will encourage physicians to evaluate e-prescribing and understand the value of this technology without financial risk, removing a significant barrier to adoption."

Attendees at the mHealth Conference will receive a CD-ROM with a downloadable, 30-day trial version of TouchScript.NET and documentation for Cisco Medical Grade Network, a common architecture designed to meet the unique requirements of healthcare organizations. To use TouchScript.NET, a practice just needs a personal computer. For interested practices, TouchScript.NET also works with hand-held connectivity into a wireless network. Practices that decide to keep writing prescriptions electronically can purchase the system at a low subscription cost.

"Our goal with this collaborative solution, which is enabled by a highly secure wired or wireless Cisco Medical-Grade Network, is to showcase the power of e-prescribing by easily and cost-effectively putting this capability into the hands of more physicians," added Jeffrey Rideout, M.D., vice president of Cisco's Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) and Medical Director for Health Policy and Benefits. "Cisco, in working with both the public and private sectors, is committed to help break down the business and technology barriers to enable widespread e-prescribing adoption among physician groups of all sizes."

"We saw a real need for a cost-effective system for smaller practices who are concerned with the cost of automating their traditional paper systems," said John Nebergall, Vice President, e-prescribing for AHS. "TouchScript.NET takes the e-prescribing features of Allscripts' proven TouchScript product and provides an easier entry-point into the world of e-prescribing."

About the Products

TouchScript® is the industry's trusted and leading e-prescribing software and the most widely used solution in the United States today. Thousands of physicians have written millions of prescriptions using TouchScript because no other solution is faster, safer or more reliable. Available on wireless Pocket PC's, desktop, laptop, or Tablet computers, physicians can access TouchScript securely via the Internet to quickly prescribe, check for drug interactions, access medication histories, review drug reference information, and send prescriptions directly to a pharmacy safely and securely from virtually anywhere. TouchScript helps clinicians increase patient safety, reduce pharmacy callbacks and improve office efficiency and is designed as the first module of a complete electronic medical record.

Cisco's Medical-Grade Network helps enable healthcare providers to build a common platform for the deployment of business productivity functions and the seamless delivery of device and location-independent applications - all supported by centralized administration and maintenance. The Medical-Grade Network addresses the special needs of the healthcare organization's 24x7 work environment, characterized by a network that is Responsive, Highly Protected, Resilient and Interactive. Cisco will promote this solution through its small-to-medium business channels, which will be available with pre-defined network definitions consisting of Cisco hardware and optimized for different practice settings.

About mHealth

The m-Health and EOE Conference, held October 26-28, 2004, at the Reno Hilton in Reno, NV, is co-sponsored by CafeRx, whose founding members include Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Capgemini, Cisco Systems, HP, Microsoft, the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), NDCHealth, RxHub, and SureScripts. To encourage the adoption of ePrescribing, CafeRx will provide payers and physicians with successful strategies and best practice models; offer extensive information on ePrescribing through its Website (; launch programs to educate physicians and their office staffs about the value of ePrescribing; and support lobbying efforts that urge federal and state governments to incent the adoption of ePrescribing and electronic medical records.

About Allscripts Healthcare Solutions

Allscripts Healthcare Solutions (AHS) is the leading provider of clinical software, connectivity and information solutions that physicians use to improve healthcare. The Company's TouchWorksTM software is a modular Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that enhances physician productivity by automating the most common physician activities including prescribing, dictating, capturing charges, ordering labs and viewing results, providing patient education, and documenting clinical encounters. TouchWorks is available on the latest Tablet PCs, wireless handheld devices, desktop workstations and over the Internet. AHS also offers electronic document imaging and scanning solutions through its Advanced Imaging Concepts (AIC) subsidiary. Additionally, AHS provides healthcare product education and market research programs for physicians through its Physicians InteractiveTM unit and medication fulfillment services through its Allscripts DirectTM unit. Visit AHS on the Web at

Strategic partners include IDX Systems; IMS Health; Microsoft; HP; and Medco Health. TouchWorks, Physicians Interactive and Allscripts Direct are trademarks of Allscripts Healthcare Solutions. Visit AHS on the Web at

This announcement may contain forward-looking statements about Allscripts Healthcare Solutions that involve risks and uncertainties. These statements are developed by combining currently available information with Allscripts beliefs and assumptions. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance. Because Allscripts cannot predict all of the risks and uncertainties that may affect it, or control the ones it does predict, Allscripts' actual results may be materially different from the results expressed in its forward-looking statements. For a more complete discussion of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions that may affect Allscripts, see the Company's 2003 Annual Report on Form 10-K, available through the Web site maintained by the Securities and Exchange Commission at

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