SAN JOSE, Calif., October 21, 2002 - Cisco Systems Inc. today announced that Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR) has selected the DOCSIS 1.1-qualified Cisco uBR10012 cable modem termination system (CMTS) router for expansion of its broadband services. The uBR10012 will enable Charter to economically scale its network to meet the rapidly increasing market demand for its high-speed data services by residential and business customers. Charter has already deployed the uBR10012 in Tennessee, South Carolina, Michigan, California, Wisconsin and Missouri.
"The ability to support rapid scaling and advanced services requires a complex level of planning, implementation and equipment performance," said John Pietri, senior vice president of engineering at Charter. "To maximize our ability to meet this challenge, the uBR10012 provided us the best value and technology while preserving our ongoing collaboration with Cisco in defining directions and strategies for accessing new broadband customers and markets to maximize our free cash flow."
Charter, serving nearly 6.8 million customers in 40 states, is aggressively expanding its network to serve additional customers and markets with IP services, the fastest growing revenue generator for Charter. As part of this process, Charter is migrating its architecture in a way that fully utilizes its existing end-to-end Cisco IP network and minimizes capital expenditures. In addition to the uBR10012, Charter has previously deployed Cisco products including the Cisco uBR7246VXR CMTS, the Cisco 12000 Series Router, the Cisco ONS 15454 Multiservice Provisioning Platform, the Catalyst 6500 Series Router, the Cisco 7600 Series Router and provisioning solution. Because of its end-to-end Cisco network, Charter is also able to apply consistent Quality of Service (QoS) policies across its entire network, assuring the ability to support advanced future services, such as voice over IP, while at the same time lowering overall operating expenses.
The uBR10012, the flagship Cisco CMTS router, provides next-generation performance and density. Its architecture is backed by the widest selection of line cards, 1+1 or 1+N redundancy, Cisco advanced spectrum management and compatibility with the Cisco uBR7200 Series CMTS family. Charter will add power and scalability to its current network by deploying the uBR10012 in the most demanding, highest density locations, while continuing to support many locations with the uBR7246VXR or adding new service to additional cities or regions.
"Charter's growth in broadband has been particularly successful recently, with customer numbers doubling for the last three years", said Carson Chen, vice president of Cisco's cable business unit. " In the year 2000, Charter had 250,000 cable modem customers; in 2001 the number was increased to 608,000; by the end of 2002, the company expects to have more than 1 million cable modem customers. This rapid growth is testimony to Charter's ability to successfully roll out the most advanced technology, such as the uBR10012 CMTS, while exceeding customers' expectations with regard to service quality and reliability."
Cisco and Charter have a history of working together in successfully delivering broadband services. First, in 1999, when Charter launched its DOCSIS-based broadband service, then in 2001, when Charter successfully migrated over 140,000 customers in less than two weeks from @Home to its own network.
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