News Release

NeTrue Launches International Clearinghouse

Providing Standards-based Interconnection Services and Solutions for Cisco Voice Over IP Networks
May 01, 2001

Los Angeles, CA, May 1, 2001. NeTrue Communications, Inc. (NTU.U:CDNX) a provider of IP-based communications solutions, today announced general availability of N-GageTM, an International VOIP Community and Clearinghouse.

NeTrue N-Gage facilitates the exchange of traffic between VOIP service providers who have deployed networks based on Cisco voice gateways. Through a single relationship with N-Gage, service providers can terminate traffic around the world in a secure and controlled environment.

Utilizing the Open Settlements Protocol (OSP) standard, NeTrue not only facilitates the relationships between providers but provides authentication and authorization for each call in the clearinghouse and delivers weekly and monthly settlement reporting between providers.

"The N-Gage solution allows service providers around the world to build their business through secure and managed partnerships," said Eric Gurr, Chief Executive Officer, NeTrue Communications. "In providing an OSP clearinghouse service for service providers that rely on Cisco voice gateways, we have teamed with the leading manufacturer. A positive worldwide response to N-Gage has been immediate."

"Cisco is committed to helping its global service provider customers grow their VoIP business," said Alistair Woodman, Director of Marketing, Voice Technology Center at Cisco Systems. "Solutions such as NeTrue's, that connect customers and allow them to share traffic and build their business, will be of great benefit to these providers."

N-Gage currently has origination and termination partners in North America, South America and Asia. Members of N-Gage comprise existing customers of NeTrue's billing solution, N-VoiceTM, and selected Cisco partners.

Additional services offered by N-GageTM include:

  • Updated International routing table
  • Call Detail Record (CDR) monitoring and storing
  • Least Cost, Best Value or Preferred Routing
  • Weekly and Monthly reconciliation
  • Real-time Quality of Service
  • Secure Environment

NeTrue provides a comprehensive line of software solutions for the management of IP communications including billing, routing and customer care. In addition to NeTrue's professional services division and Vipersat, the company's satellite network division, NeTrue is now able to provide a complete end-to-end solution for its customers.

"The launch of N-Gage allows NeTrue to offer our customers a complete solution," said Kenneth Williams, Vice President and General Manager VOIP, NeTrue Communications. "We are able to provide our customers with the software they need to get into business. Through our relationship with Cisco and now the N-Gage clearinghouse, our customers can immediately realize a return on their investment."

From May 1, N-Gage will be open to new members. Members will be qualified by NeTrue Communications.