SAN JOSE, Calif., May 14, 2001 - Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader in networking forthe Internet, today announces availability of IPv6 in Cisco IOS. Software across the widestbreadth of platforms in the industry. Built on an extensive beta program of several hundredcustomers, Cisco is delivering the industry's most widely tested and deployed IPv6 router solution.And for the first time, Cisco is providing customer support for IPv6 through Cisco's TechnicalAssistance Center (TAC) and a full suite of training courses.
The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), as specified by theInternet Engineering Task Force (IETF), most notably offersexpanded IP addresses to accommodate the (1) proliferationof Internet devices such as personal computers, personal digitalassistants, wireless devices, and new Internet appliances; (2)expansion of the Internet throughout the world; (3) increasinguse of "always on" Internet access; and (4) requirements ofemerging Internet applications. IPv6 also provides integratedauto-configuration for plug-and play capabilities, enhancedmobility and end-to-end security.
"While many vendors have been focused on delivering the'wireless Internet' or the 'optical Internet,' Cisco has beenworking on integrating these and other technologies into thecurrent Internet," says Stephen Deering, Cisco Fellow and leaddesigner of the protocol. "By building IPv6 into Cisco IOSsoftware, we are enabling continued growth of the Internet andits expansion into new applications and capabilities in a waythat maintains compatibility with existing Internet services. Furthermore, Cisco is the only majornetworking vendor to deliver IPv6 across multiple platforms, thus ensuring that our customers andpartners can deploy IPv6 when and where required."
"IPv6 is a key solution for accelerating the arrival of the broadband era," says Ken Kutaragi, chief executive officer of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "PlayStation2 has become the world's most prevailing home entertainment platform. When all PlayStation2 systems at home are connected to the network, and peer-to-peer communication and entertainment become common, a huge number of global IP addresses will become necessary. It is very meaningful for the industry thatCisco is delivering IPv6 today."
Today, IPv6 appeals to early adopter customers in the wireless, gaming and home networking industries; the National Research Networks around the globe; and military and government bodies in the United States and abroad. Mobile, Greenfield and regional Internet service providers worldwide are investigating IPv6. As market requirements mature and adoption continues to grow, Cisco plans to deliver additional standards-compliant IPv6 features and solutions across multiple platforms. Through Cisco IOS software, Cisco will deliver the broadest and most advanced IPv6 routing capabilities.
Cisco's IPv6 solution will be available by the end of May 2001 in Cisco IOS Software release 12.2(1)T. Platforms to be supported at this time include: Cisco 800 Series Routers; Cisco 1400 Series Routers; Cisco 1600 Series Routers; Cisco 1700 Series Routers; Cisco 2500 Series Routers; Cisco 2600 Series Routers; Cisco 3600 Series Routers; Cisco 4500 and 4700 Series Routers; Cisco AS5300 and AS5400 Universal Access Servers; Cisco 7100, 7200 and 7500 Series Routers. Early adopter customers are currently in IPv6 trials with the Cisco 7600 and12000 Series Internet Routers. Full support for these platforms will be available later this calendar year with future releases of Cisco IOS software. Customers interested in testing or deploying Cisco's IPv6 solution should contact their local sales office. Additional information can be found at