Costa Mesa, CA - August 22, 2000 - CentreCom, the world's only Virtual Localand Long Distance Service Provider (V-LEC) announced today that it hasreceived a Cisco Powered Network designation delivering a comprehensivesuite of enhanced Internet telephony and unified communications (UC)services to both individual subscribers and businesses customers around theglobe.
In addition to its CPN status, CentreCom has also received the Cisco PoweredNetwork-Unified Communications Solutions (CPN-UCS) designation, a newdistinction created by Cisco to recognize unified communications providerswhose products and solutions are based on Cisco's uOne Unified networkproducts which offer high-performance, reliability and secure integratedtechnology. Using the Cisco uOne unified communications software platform,Centrecom is allowing its customers to control the receipt and management ofe-mail, fax mail, and voice mail messages, as well as control over inboundand outbound calls.
As a Cisco Powered Network member, CentreCom will deliver its enhancedunified communications services over a high-performance, customer-focused,reliable and secure network. CentreCom operates a global infrastructure thatcombines circuit- switched and Voice-over IP applications to offerdifferentiated quality of service (QoS) to its subscribers whilesimultaneously lowering the cost of delivering the company's advancedunified communications services. In addition, CentreCom's unifiedcommunications services are designed to avoid the significant transmissiondelays normally associated with the highly congested Internet, allowing thepotential for highly reliable, business-quality communications services toits customers. CentreCom provides local and long distance phone service overthe Internet through ISPs, DSL service providers and broadband solutionproviders. CentreCom provides these services and combines its advancedunified communications offerings that include:
Toll-quality local phone service through its patent-pending technology thatdigitally samples and filters phone conversations enabling better thantoll-quality communications at 6.3Kbps over the Internet.
Standards-based H.323 v2 interoperability with such key players as Cisco,Ericsson, QuickNet, and TekDigitel CPE devices.
Enhanced Phone-to-PC calling enabling users to receive telephone callsanywhere in the world on any multimedia PC or H.323 VoIP device on theInternet.
Virtual PBX services that include: voice and fax messaging, unifiedmessaging, multiple inbound calls, call screening, caller id, virtualautomated attendant, return call off message, and on-the-fly conferencecalling that eliminates traditional PBX equipment and utilizes existingCisco routers.
One-number phone service that rings on up to three communications devicessimultaneously over regular telephone lines as well as over the Internet.Voice-enabled communications portals that provide users with instant accessto critical communications anytime, anywhere from any IP and traditionaltelephone device.
Click-to-call applications that require no changes to a call center'sinfrastructure and provide toll-quality voice communications from any Webbrowser to the company.
Co-marketing opportunities that seamlessly integrate with Internet relatedand wireless telephony infrastructures that drive usage and increasecustomer retention.
CentreCom currently maintains and provides local service in over 30 majormetropolitan areas in the United States and Canada. The company is alsobuilding out its network to provide local services over the Internet and TDMnetworks in Europe, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
"Through the intelligent management of our Cisco Powered UnifiedCommunications services, CentreCom has the ability to regulate trafficvolumes across specific routes of our network, and to directly control thequality of service (QoS) we can deliver to our demanding customers whoexpect the highest level of voice quality and network reliability fromCentreCom," states Don Feuer, CEO of CentreCom.
Mr. Feuer also emphasized that "Cisco shares our vision that the IP networkis the foundation for delivering business solutions that will provide ourcustomers with a strategic competitive advantage. By deploying Cisco'smarket leading technology, we are able to provide highly scalable, costeffective and flexible services that allow for rapid integration andmanageability anywhere in the world."
"Our relationship with CentreCom will enable them to design advanced unifiedcommunications services for customers," said Bill Wolfe, general manager,Unified Communications Software Business Unit, Cisco Systems, Inc. "As aCisco Powered Network designated service provider, CentreCom can offer itscustomers network services built around Cisco's industry-leadinghigh-performance, reliable and secure networking infrastructure and onCisco's uOne unified communications software platform."
CentreCom's participation in the Cisco Powered Network program demonstratesthat it has built its network around industry-leading Cisco components. Abenefit of the program for CentreCom is their participation in jointmarketing, technology sharing activities with Cisco. This New World networkwill enable both individuals and business communities to gain the benefitsof these leading-edge technologies and services.