News Release

Cisco Introduces Cisco Networking Services

Infrastructure for Policy-based Networking and Intelligent
May 10, 2000

Infrastructure for Policy-based Networking and Intelligent Network Services Based on Directory Enabled Networks Standard

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 10, 2000 - Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, today introduced Cisco Networking Services (CNS), a common infrastructure that enables policy-based networking and intelligent network services.

Building on the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Directory Enabled Networking (DEN) standard, CNS enables interoperability between Cisco products and devices, reduces operating costs and time-to-market, and empowers Independent Software Vendors (ISV), systems integrators and service provider partners to build tightly integrated Cisco networking solutions. CNS delivers the base set of components required for DEN, including common infrastructure components, and Common Information Model (CIM)-based data model and schema. CNS uses the Microsoft Active Directory service as the reference directory for CNS development.

"Traditional management solutions manage network components and services individually with little or no interoperability or data sharing," said Anson Chen, general manager of Cisco's Intelligent Network Business Unit. "Our customers want intelligent networks that function and are managed as complete systems. CNS delivers DEN, and the robust, scalable infrastructure elements needed to build programmable intelligent networks."

"Microsoft and Cisco have been working together to promote a shared vision for directory-enabled networking solutions," said Jim Ewel, vice president of Windows 2000 Product Management at Microsoft Corp. "Cisco's delivery of CNS using Active Directory, an ideal platform for DEN solutions, is an exciting and important milestone for both companies. Microsoft looks forward to continuing to work closely with Cisco on the directory interoperability issues facing the industry today, and helping to ensure that DEN solutions from Cisco and Microsoft can be used by the widest range of customers possible."

CNS enables intelligent networks by delivering a standards-based, extensible data model that facilitates data sharing between network applications and intelligent Cisco IOS. software-based devices. Packaged as a software developer's kit (SDK) with open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), the CNS architecture enhances the DEN specification with necessary management infrastructure components including application/service/device messaging, directory location and access, and data concurrency. Future releases of CNS will support additional standards-based directory services from leading vendors.

"CNS and DEN open up some very interesting possibilities by promoting the humble directory from a simple White Pages tool, to a key component in the delivery and management of future IP services and networks," said Mike Hodgson, manager of DEN Coordination, BT Group Technology.

Cisco and Microsoft jointly launched the DEN initiative in 1997. DEN is now broadly supported by the industry under the stewardship of the DMTF as part of the CIM, and by the Internet Engineering Task Force's (IETF) Policy Framework Working Group.