News Release

MetTel Selects Cisco SC2200 to Relieve Internet Congestion and Rapidly Enter New Markets Without the Use of Traditional Voice Switching Equipment

Cisco's Signaling Controller 2200 Certified by Bell Atlantic for SS7 Interconnection with MetTel's MetConnect ISP network
Jan 18, 2000

SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 18, 2000 -- Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, today announced that MetTel, a leading New York CLEC, has selected the Cisco Signaling Controller 2200 (SC2200) to interconnect its MetConnect ISP network to Bell Atlantic's network via Signaling System 7 (SS7) without using a traditional Class 5 switching platform. The Cisco SC2200, which features programmable protocol support for 25 SS7 variants on five continents, recently passed the necessary certification for connectivity with Bell Atlantic's network. The solution allows MetTel to use SS7 signaling to terminate dial access traffic from Bell Atlantic as well as pass call control information and generate call detail reports.

"Cisco's SS7 interconnect solution saved us from a huge capital expenditure on traditional voice switching equipment," said David Aronow, co-president of MetTel. "Of the vendors we pursued, Cisco was the only one that was able to deliver a working solution for terminating Internet dial traffic without a Class 5 switch." "Additionally, as we move into packet-telephony services down the road, we know we can count on Cisco to deliver solutions for SS7 voice call control over the same platform," said Marshall Aronow, co-president of MetTel.

The Cisco SC2200 is an intelligent internetworking solution that provides SS7 interface for Cisco universal access servers including the AS5x00 series and the Cisco AccessPath product line. SS7 interfaces on the Cisco SC2200 allow carriers to provide dial offload, wholesale dial services, dialup VPNs, and Internet access while interconnecting as a carrier, thus achieving the new revenue, lower operating costs, cost effective scaling and reciprocal compensation benefits of carrier-level interconnect.

With the Cisco SC2200, MetTel connects SS7 intermachine trunks from their LEC's local tandem network directly to Cisco AS5300 universal access servers and handles call control and set-up, without relying on end-offices switches to convert signaling to PRI for termination. The Cisco SC2200 produces all of the all detail reports necessary for monthly call reconciliation with Bell Atlantic. The deployment also includes Cisco 7206 VXR high-performance multifunction routers at the network edge to provide connectivity to the Internet backbone.

In the initial roll out in December 1999, MetTel deployed a Cisco SC2200 and multiple Cisco AS5300 universal access servers in its New York City point of presence (POP). The Cisco SC2200 in New York City will control additional Cisco AS5300s as they are deployed throughout the state of New York over the next six months.

"The Cisco SC2200 is part of Cisco's commitment to offering service providers scalable, carrier-class solutions that will take them into the next generation of fully integrated voice and data networks," said Ian Landy, vice president for Cisco Systems' Network Software Services Unit. "By integrating this innovative dial access solution into their network infrastructure, MetTel can realize improved service and profitability as well as tremendous cost savings which they can pass on to their customers."