News Release

Cisco Ranked the Preferred DSL Equipment Vendor for ISPs

Cahners In-Stat Group Study Finds That 44 Percent of U.S. ISPs Choose Cisco Equipment for Roll Out of xDSL Service
Jan 24, 2000

SAN JOSE, Calif., Jan. 24, 2000 - Cisco Systems, the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, is the preferred vendor for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that are deploying their own digital subscriber line (DSL) equipment, according to a report recently released by Cahners In-Stat Group, a leading digital communications market research firm.

As part of a research study designed to track the growth rate of the xDSL service market, Cahners In-Stat Group asked U.S.-based ISPs that are rolling out DSL services to name their DSL equipment vendor of choice. Cisco is the clear leader, with a total average of 44 percent of ISPs identifying Cisco as their equipment provider, the study reports. The study, which found that the rate of ISP DSL deployments is growing faster than expected, focused on the myriad aspects of ISP DSL deployment, including number of unique lines deployed, ISP deployment budgets, ISP preferences for carriers and equipment suppliers, and various metrics for ISP DSL access multiplexers (DSLAMs).

The Cahners study emphasizes that ISPs need to choose equipment that can adequately sate the demand for lines in the coverage area of a given central office (CO), and meet the geographic requirements of the subscribers the CO serves.

"ISPs installing their own xDSL networks are choosing Cisco equipment for this extremely complicated undertaking that can yield serious competitive advantage," said Rick Miller, senior analyst with Cahners In-Stat Group and author of the report. "We were not surprised to find that ISPs are relying on Cisco to help them grow their businesses and take their service offerings to the next level because they associate the Cisco name with the standard in networking."

Conectiv Communications launched DSL service in northern Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania using a combination of end-to-end DSL networking equipment manufactured by Cisco. "Cisco's DSL solution allows us to rapidly deliver value-added, revenue-generating services today, while building a more intelligent network that will meet our customers' future needs," said Jeff Allen, vice president and general manager for Conectiv Communications. "And, with Cisco's equipment, we are able to deliver the level of service our customers demand and deserve."

"The results of the Cahners In-Stat Group study confirm that Cisco is delivering on its objectives to help service providers move aggressively and rapidly into the New World with the industry's most reliable, intelligent, end-to-end DSL solutions," said Enzo Signore, Director of Marketing for the DSL Business Unit at Cisco. "We are proud that ISPs are choosing to align with Cisco and we are prepared to meet the increasing demand as the DSL services market continues to rapidly expand."