Cisco Solutions Featured in NASA Telemedicine Demonstration
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- May 4, 1999 -- Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader innetworking for the Internet, announced today that NASA has selected Cisco'ssolutions to deploy a high-performance wide-area network that takes advantageof Cisco IOS. multicasting capabilities. Providing high-quality health careto patients in remote places on earth and on other planets in the future, NASAdoctors for the first time can view medical procedures being performed live byusing three-dimensional medical images up to 23Mbps that are transferredreal-time through the Cisco multicast-enabled Internet.
Delivering the required bandwidth, scalability and reliability, the Ciscosolutions enable NASA to bring the best medical minds and facilities topatients in remote U.S. locations via the Internet using telemedicine - or theuse of electronic communication and information technology to provide orsupport clinical care at a distance. NASA believes that telemedicine has thepotential to improve health care at remote places on earth and on other planetsin the future.
For customers, like NASA, the Internet by itself was not able to support theseinteractive, high-bandwidth applications. Providing an end-to-end Internetsolution for multicast, Cisco IOS software expands the power of the Internet bydelivering the bandwidth, scalability and reliability required to transmitlarge files of this size in real-time.
"Utilizing our knowledge and experience with managing mission-criticalnetworks, Cisco is committed to providing leading-edge multicast-enablednetworks that meet customers' needs for robustness, scalability andmanageability," said Dave Rossetti, vice president, IOS Technologies Division,Cisco Systems. "Cisco IOS multicasting technology makes it possible forcustomers, such as NASA, to deploy new, rich audio and video communicationsolutions that better meet end-user customer needs."
IP multicasting, a bandwidth conserving technology, reduces network traffic by simultaneously delivering a single stream of information to thousands ofcorporate recipients and homes. Through multicast technology, enterprisecustomers, like NASA, can efficiently deploy distributed group applications -such as video conferencing, corporate communications, distance learning anddistribution of software, stock quotes and news - across the Internet in ascalable, cost effective and easy-to-deploy manner.
The network consists of Cisco's 12,000 GSR series, the 7200 series routers and7500 series routers, and the Catalyst. 5500 switching series and Catalyst2900 switching series. The 12,000 series of gigabit switch routers (GSR) meetsthe exponential growth in demand for Internet bandwidth and brings scalabilityand high-performance services to IP-based networks. The 7200 series routersand 7500 series routers form the building blocks in today's networks andprovide the scalability for mission-critical applications. The Catalyst 5500switching series enables network managers to deliver high-performance backbone access to accommodate Web browser-based traffic across the Internet, while the Catalyst 2900 switching series is an industry-leading 10/100 autosensing Ethernet switch solution for workgroup and wiring closets.
On May 4, 1999, NASA Research and Education Network engineers at Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. will utilize the Cisco network to transferimage and data computer files in real time to showcase NASA physicians at fiveU.S. sites performing virtual medical procedures.
The five sites connected by the network include the Ames Research Center inMoffett Field, Calif., Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, StanfordUniversity Medical Center in Stanford, Calif., the Northern Navajo MedicalCenter in Shiprock, N.M. and the University of California, Santa Cruz in SantaCruz, Calif. Representatives from Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital in Salinas,Calif. will participate from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Cisco Systems
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