Two Million Homes Passed in Texas as Time Warner's Houston and San Antonio Cable Systems Get on Board - DOCSIS Qualified Cisco Equipment Selected for New Texas Rollouts
RESTON, VA -- March 30, 1999 -- Road Runner, the high-speed online service, today announced two new Time Warner affiliates ramping up to offer Road Runner. Time Warner Communications of Houston and San Antonio's Paragon, a Time Warner Company, plan to begin offering the Road Runner service in their respective markets during the summer of this year, joining Austin and El Paso as Road Runner providers. The addition of these new affiliates will make Road Runner available to over two million homes in the state of Texas.
Time Warner Communications, Houston, passes 1.3 million homes, serving 650,000 cable customers. The Road Runner service will rollout this summer to Time Warner Communications customers, and will become available to those communities previously served by TCI after upgrades are complete.
"This new, high-speed online service is going to take the computer out of the office and integrate it into our daily lives," said Ron McMillan, President of Time Warner Communications, Houston. "We are happy to add this informative, valuable and entertaining service to the what we offer the residents of Houston."
The summer will also see Road Runner racing into the San Antonio area, provided by Paragon, a Time Warner Company. Paragon passes 544,000 homes, serving 305,000 cable customers.
"We look forward to joining the Road Runner family and bringing the service to more of Texas," said Navarra Williams, President San Antonio Division of Time Warner Cable. "We are pleased to offer a new service that will provide our San Antonio customers with a more enriching and meaningful online experience."
Notable in the Houston and San Antonio rollouts is the deployment of Cisco System's uBR7246 Universal Broadband Router and new integrated M16 modem cards. The Cisco uBR7246 is the first and only Data over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) qualified broadband access solution on the market. The uBR product family provides a cost-effective, scaleable interface between subscriber cable modems and the backbone data network, maximizing the efficiency of the network and supporting multiple network services. The M16 modem cards will allow Road Runner to support more customers on a single platform, and are fully compliant with the DOCSIS standard. This new network will interface with Cisco 12000 series GSR's running on an OC-12 Packet-over-SONET Internet backbone, providing Road Runner users with reliable, powerful high-speed performance.
About Road Runner
Road Runner has in excess of 200,000 customers in the communities that it serves within the U.S. It is a joint venture among affiliates of Time Warner, Inc., MediaOne Group, Microsoft Corp., Compaq Corp., and Advance/Newhouse. It combines the resources and strategic talent of the five partners who are world leaders in media, broadband communications, computer software and hardware, and publishing. The Road Runner character is a trademark and copyright of Warner Bros., a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P.Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet.Cisco, Cisco IOS, Cisco Systems and the Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. in the U.S., Canada and other countries. All other brand names and trademarks mentioned in this document are properties of their respective owners.