News Release

Ten Leading Universities in China Join Cisco Networking Academy Program

Cisco Networking Academies BEIJING, China -- January 12,
Jan 12, 1999

BEIJING, China -- January 12, 1999 -- Cisco Systems has entered a new phase of the Cisco Networking Academy program by launching ten new regional networking academies in China. In cooperation with ten tertiary institutions under the auspices of the China Education and Research Network (CERNET), Cisco has set up new Networking Academies in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Wuhan and Xian. The first Cisco Networking Academy in China was established at Shanghai's Fudan University in September 1998.

The new Cisco Networking Academies will be managed by Tsinghua University, Beijing University, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Southeast University, North East University, Central China Institute of Technology, South China Institute of Technology, Xian Jiaotong University and the University of Electronic Technology.

"The introduction of the Cisco Networking Academy program in cooperation with these ten tertiary institutions underlines our commitment to the people of China, and reinforces our belief in the strategic importance of networking skills to the Internet Generation," said Duh Jiabin, president of Cisco Systems China. "The Academy will not only increase the number of trained IT professionals in China, but will also equip the young men and women who participate in the program with valuable skills needed to meet the challenge of the next millennium," he said.

Professor Wu Jianping of Tsinghua University, and director of CERNET said, "To our knowledge, this is the only technical education program in the world that is completely designed from the ground up to cater for all the needs of a school environment. We gladly agreed to participate in the Cisco Networking Academy program because of its relevance to the education environment in China and its vendor-independent content. We also appreciate the fact that the curriculum is not tied into Cisco products, and graduates of this course will be able to set up and configure networking equipment from any vendor, not just Cisco.

"The web-based nature of the curriculum is perfect for developing distance-learning applications, and makes it possible to deliver the course remotely. This is important for a country of China's size. The curriculum, supplemented with practical hands-on laboratory exercises, gives students the opportunity to put their newly learned skills to use immediately, and also aids in the development of problem-solving skills and creative thinking. China is currently suffering a shortage of talented IT professionals to manage and support first-class networking equipment; that is why the Cisco Networking Academy program is crucial to the realization of the key state policy of Vitalizing China through Science and Education."

The Cisco Networking Academy program was introduced in the United States in October 1997. Its main objectives are to meet the increasing market demand for skilled networking professionals and prepare the next generation for the Internet Age. The curriculum is designed to be hands-on and interactive to help students develop their problem-solving skills and nurture a lasting interest in networking technology.

Cisco has committed networking equipment, course materials and teaching resources to introduce the program throughout Asia. Region-wide, the program is expected to involve more than 500 schools and colleges by the end of 1999. The Cisco Networking Academy program is currently established in nearly 1,000 high schools and colleges worldwide. In Asia, Cisco Networking Academies have already been launched in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Taiwan.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet.

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