News Release

Internet Download Delivery Soars to New Heights

Internet Delivery Provider Conxion Sets One Petabyte a Year
Nov 11, 1998

Internet Delivery Provider Conxion Sets One Petabyte a Year Record

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- November 11, 1998 -- Conxion Corporation, an Internet Delivery Provider specializing in robust, fault tolerant Internet delivery and hosting services, announced today that it has delivered over one Petabyte of Internet information in 1998, solidifying its position as the high-performance download leader among service providers. One Petabyte of downloads (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes) is the equivalent of handling over one billion floppy disks.

"The growth of Internet downloads is exploding," said Conxion's CEO and President, Antonio Salerno. "More and more businesses are looking to the Internet to distribute and manage their information in order to provide faster and more efficient service to their customers. On any given day, Conxion delivers between four to six terabytes of data and has a capacity of 10 terabytes, which we estimate to be nearly 10 percent of the delivery capacity of the Internet.

Salerno noted that Conxion's delivery of one Petabyte of data over the course of a year is more volume than previously thought possible. "The sophistication of our fully-managed services give us a unique visibility to measure our customer's throughput," said Salerno. "We are the first to provide industry metrics for downloads and are committed to continue setting these milestones."

Conxion was able to reach this milestone because of its Global Digital Delivery System(sm): a high-bandwidth, lightning-fast IP network architected to download and host content for today's digital world. Conxion's download hosting services from its data centers in Silicon Valley, Chicago and Herndon, Va., enable customers to deliver anything digital, anywhere in the world, on a massive scale with guaranteed delivery, a critical component for e-commerce success.

Over the next two years, the growth curves for Internet usage will begin to get very steep. By focusing on the fundamentals of high performance throughput, Conxion has gained a reputation among insiders as the go-to guys for high-volume distribution and back up. And by showing that the Internet can give as much as it takes, they have positioned themselves well in the growing market for content-rich value-added commerce services," said Stephen Murray, Research Manager for International Data Corporation's Extranet Commerce Services program.

"Conxion provides download services for a wide variety of publishers including CBS News, Liquid Audio, Seagate Software, Visio, Oracle and Microsoft," said Salerno.

"Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) congratulates Conxion on this milestone achievement of one Petabyte-a-year download volume," said Edmund Muth, Enterprise Marketing Group Product Manager, Microsoft Corp. "Our customers benefit from Conxion's state-of-the-art deployment of Windows Web-oriented technologies including its use of the Windows-based NT Load Balancing Service to create massively scalable and reliable clusters." Conxion deploys Windows NT, a leading technology for hosting robust and reliable downloads, in its network.

Cisco designated Conxion as a Cisco Powered Network because the predominance of its services are delivered through Cisco's industry-leading networking solutions. "Far from the doomsayers predictions of Internet bottlenecks and brownouts, this milestone shows that the Internet is alive and well. Specialized service providers like Conxion are handling the Internet content explosion by adding a new level of value to companies doing business on the Web, with services like guaranteed delivery," said Graeme Fraser, general manager of the Optical Internetworking Business Unit at Cisco Systems. "Providers like Conxion perfectly fulfill our vision of what a Cisco Powered Network service can accomplish, allowing businesses and their customers to conduct reliable digital transactions that fuel the Internet economy."