News Release

Cisco Exhibits Internet Health Care Solutions at RSNA Show - December 1-3, 1998

WHAT: Cisco Systems, Inc. is one of two vendors that will
Nov 30, 1998

  • WHAT:

    Cisco Systems, Inc. is one of two vendors that will provide the show-wide network at the Radiological Society of North America Show (RSNA) in Chicago. Over 1,500 nodes will be used in 230 demonstrations on decision support, clinical decision support and next-generation health care applications based on the Internet. Cisco with another vendor will provide the network infrastructure for these high-speed, high-resolution demonstrations, as well as booth-to-booth, multivendor communications across three exhibit halls.

    In addition, Cisco and GE-Medical Systems will show radiologists how to call up detailed images within seconds, when it counts most, in a demonstration at the GE-Medical Systems booth (Booth #2903). In another demo, Cisco and Acuson Corporation will show attendees how to send high-speed ultrasound information from remote locations by transmitting data from Loyola University Medical Center in nearby Maywood, Illinois directly to the show floor. More details on this demo are available at the Acuson booth (Booth #6117).

  • WHEN:

    December 1-3, 1998

  • WHERE:

    McCormick Place, Chicago

  • WHO:

    Cisco's Internet Business Solutions Group in conjunction with GE-Medical Systems and Acuson Corporation

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet.

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