News Release

Cisco Systems' First Service Provider Pavilion at the NetWorld+ Interop '98 Atlanta trade show

More than 20 leading Cisco Powered Network Service Providers Exhibiting
Oct 14, 1998

October 14, 1998

When:October 21-23, 1998

Where:NetWorld+Interop '98 Atlanta TradeshowCisco Service Provider Booth Number - 5231

Who:Cisco Systems, Inc. Service Provider Pavilion Exhibitors

  • AT&T/CERfnet
  • BellSouth
  • Conxion Corporation
  • Covad Communications
  • Digital Island
  • EDS
  • Electric Lightwave, Inc.
  • Infonet Services Corp.
  • InterNAP Network Corp.
  • KIVEX, Inc.
  • MCI WorldCom Advanced
  • Networks
  • Pilot Network Services Inc.
  • Rhythms NetConnections Inc
  • Shared Medical Systems
  • Teleglobe International
  • Telstra
  • USinternetworking, Inc.
  • Networking

Why:Cisco Systems is providing a central forum at the NetWorld+Interop '98 Atlanta trade show where Cisco Powered Network service providers will demonstrate innovative and industry-leading network services they offer to enterprise customers. As a member of the Cisco Powered Network program, a qualified service provider offers high-performance, customer-centric, reliable and secure services based predominantly on Cisco equipment and software to the marketplace.

About Networld+Interop

NetWorld+Interop provides networking, Internet and telecommunications professional buyers with a uniquely comprehensive forum for education and hands-on products and services in order to make critical purchase decisions.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. News and information areavailable at

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