News Release

EQUANT, SITA First to Integrate Voice, Data on Global Scale

EQUANT SITA Web Site ATLANTA, GA -- August 12, 1998 --
Aug 12, 1998

ATLANTA, GA -- August 12, 1998 -- EQUANT, SITA and Cisco Systems, announced a technology and marketing agreement to support EQUANT'sand SITA's plans to integrate voice with data services in more placesaround the globe than any other network or telecommunications alliance.

Under the three-year agreement, EQUANT, SITA and Cisco are committed toworking together in the development of Internetworking technologies.EQUANT and SITA also will announce the introduction of voice servicesprovided over Frame Relay and other technology during the next severalmonths. In addition, the companies plan to conduct joint development tocreate innovative services such as voice-over-IP and enhance currentofferings including, dial services, encryption and virtual private networks(VPNs).

EQUANT and SITA are the first companies to integrate voice with data on atruly global scale using IP network planning and service development,instead of having to develop data capabilities on outdated voiceinfrastructure," said Didier Delepine, EQUANT's president and CEO. "EQUANTand SITA already use Cisco's industry-leading technology throughout ournetwork and plan to capitalize on its integration capabilities to delivervoice over data to customers around the world."

"The Internet will play a significant role in the international economy andwith the world's largest data network, EQUANT and SITA are clearlypositioned as global leaders in the future development of network-enabledapplications and services," said John Chambers, president and chiefexecutive officer of Cisco Systems. "Cisco shares a common, truly globalIP technology vision with EQUANT and SITA and we look forward tostrengthening our relationship with them."

Customers Benefit

EQUANT and SITA are integrating voice with data around the world to keeppace with increasing demand from their base of multinational businesscustomers. "Our clients want the simplicity of one network and oneprovider for voice and data now," Delepine said. "In today's constantlyevolving communications arena, they're telling us they don't need theinconveniences that come from using multiple companies."

The agreement also will permit the migration of airline protocols onto aTCP/IP backbone and the development of a new suite of airline-specificnetwork solutions. This will help SITA's airline customers move to moreflexible networks based on open Internet Protocols, which will furtherenhance SITA's position as the transport industry's leading provider of IPservices and network solutions.

Leaders Continue Work Together

The EQUANT, SITA and Cisco agreement combines the world's largest and mosthomogeneous data network--which reaches more than 220 countries andterritories--and the industry's best minds on IP-based networking for theInternet.

The relationship recognizes EQUANT's and SITA's focus on using intelligentbroadband IP networking to deliver enhanced connectivity and network-basedsolutions to their customers. And because of their ongoing commitment toreliable, secure and high-performance Internet services, Cisco hasdesignated EQUANT'S and SITA's dial-access service a Cisco Powered Networkservice.

In the Cisco Powered Network program, EQUANT and SITA will provide servicesbased on Cisco solutions in its global data network. EQUANT's and SITA'sparticipation in the program recognizes their ability to provideindustry-leading technology solutions to customers.


EQUANT, with primary offices in Atlanta andAmsterdam, is a leading provider of seamless international data networkservices to multinational businesses. The company is a single source forglobal desktop communications, providing managed data network services,network design and integration, equipment installation, maintenance andsupport services as well as software development services.

EQUANT operates the world's largest commercial data network in terms ofgeographic coverage, which extends to over 220 countries and territories.EQUANT's customers include American Express, Bayerische Vereinsbank,Hilton, Interpol, ING Bank, P&O Nedlloyd, Rhone-Poulenc, Samsung, Shell,SWIFT, Swiss RE, Xerox, and other multinational organizations withsubstantial cross-border data communications needs.

About SITA

SITA is the world's leading provider of integrated telecommunications andinformation solutions to the air transport industry. With nearly 50 yearsof experience, SITA now has 650 customers, including airlines, aerospacecompanies, airfreight companies, airports, travel distribution and computerreservations systems. SITA employs over 4,700 people around the world andrecorded revenues of over US $1 billion in 1997. Its head office is basedin Geneva Switzerland.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at

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