News Release

GX Networks Uses Cisco Powered Network to Offer Advanced Internet Services

June 9, 1998 - GX Networks, the UK's largest independent
Jun 09, 1998

June 9, 1998 - GX Networks, the UK's largest independent Internet Service Provider (ISP), and Cisco Systems have announced that they are working together to offer advanced, end-to-end networking solutions. With a Cisco Powered Network, GX Networks is able to offer customers reliable, secure and high-performance Internet services.

The relationship highlights GX Networks' and Cisco's focus on using intelligent broadband IP networking to deliver enhanced connectivity and network-based applications to organizations for whom the Internet is a business-critical resource.

"Cisco shares our vision that the IP network is the foundation for delivering intelligent business solutions, providing our customers with strategic competitive advantages," said Maria Cappella, general manager, GX Networks. "By working with the recognized worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, we can reassure our customers that the Internet services we offer lead the industry in reliability, performance and innovation."

GX Networks provides Internet services to a broad range of corporates, high-value information providers, communications companies and downstream ISPs. Services include both standard and enhanced leased line connectivity, guaranteed network availability, a committed information rate and guaranteed IP packet delivery.

Neil Stephenson, marketing director, service providers, Cisco EMEA, said: "Cisco's high-performance, reliable networking solutions enable service providers to offer consistent services. GX Networks' relationship with Cisco will enable customers to be confident that their service provider will deliver a high level of network interoperability and performance, as well as new, advanced, and differentiated services."

In the Cisco Powered Network Program, GX Networks will provide services based predominantly on Cisco equipment and software. GX Networks' participation in the program - including use of the Cisco Powered Network logo to brand its services and marketing support materials - demonstrates GX Networks' ability to provide innovative services and industry-leading technology solutions.

Note to Editors:

The Cisco Powered Network mark tells customers that their network is based upon products from Cisco Systems. The program is offered for service providers that provide a significant portion of their network services with Cisco products and develop and maintain a high degree of service quality for their customers.

Use of the Cisco Powered Network Mark is approved on an individual basis for each Internet access, frame relay, or ATM network service a service provider may offer. Internet access services must employ Cisco routers and Cisco dial access systems. Frame Relay or ATM services must employ Cisco WAN switches. A majority of Cisco equipment must be employed for each qualifying service.

About GX Networks

GX Networks provides industrial-grade Internet services to a broad range of corporates, high-value information providers, communications companies, downstream Internet Service Providers and other organizations for whom resilient, high-availability Internet services are business critical.

With its own international connectivity and substantial network infrastructure at four major interchange points in the U.S. and Europe, GX Networks is a true Internet Service Provider, does not resell on behalf of anybody else, and is independent of any single telecommunications provider.

Cisco Systems

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