News Release

Cisco Systems and Institute for Information Industry Plan Taiwan Lab to Encourage High-Speed Internet Access

Collaboration With Six Companies Will Spur Availability of ADSL Technology
Jun 04, 1998

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- June 4, 1998 -- Cisco Systems, Inc. today announced plans to open a development and testing lab in Taiwan in collaboration with the Institute for Information Industry (III) to accelerate the adoption of new technology for high-speed access to the Internet.

The lab will focus on ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) technology, which transmits data across existing copper telephone lines at speeds up to 8 million bits per second, or more than 125 times faster than the 56K modems commonly shipped with PCs today. Taiwanese computer-products manufacturers will use the lab to develop ADSL technology and to test the compliance of their ADSL products with international standards and Cisco solutions.

Six leading Taiwan manufacturers have expressed support for the ADSL lab: Askey Computer Corp., DB Networks, GVC Corp., Sun Moon Star, Tecom, and Zyxel Communication Corp. By incorporating ADSL capability into their products, these companies will help accelerate the adoption of ADSL by consumers worldwide. Upon completion of testing, these products will receive a mark of interoperability from Cisco.

Cisco recently announced an end-to-end ADSL architecture and product portfolio that enables service providers worldwide to profitably offer high-bandwidth access over existing phone lines.

"The high-speed access provided by ADSL technology will revolutionize how companies and individuals interact with the Internet," said Gary Daichendt, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Operations for Cisco. "Cisco is pleased to be working with leading Taiwan information companies to bring about the next evolution of the Internet."

Daichendt attended a ceremony on June 4 in the hall of the Ministry of Economic Affairs at which agreements with III and the six companies were signed. The event was jointly hosted by C.P. Chang, Administrative Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Yun Kuo President of III.

The ADSL lab will be the second collaboration between Cisco and III focused on technology transfer and joint research and development. The first resulted in the opening of a Networked Multimedia Lab in Taipei in March.

"To strengthen Taiwan's leading position in the Asia Pacific's information field, the government has promoted high-tech projects in coordination with existing manufacturing bases," Chang said. "The cooperation with Cisco is a positive step in building Taiwan into an island of technologies."

Kuo added, "Internet applications are a primary global trend. It is imperative for Taiwan information companies to further their R&D and manufacturing capabilities in this area. Cisco's transfer of ADSL technology through the ADSL Lab signifies recognition of Taiwan manufacturers as well as furnishing the nation with greater room for development in becoming a high-tech nation."

Cisco Systems

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