Woburn, MA - May 13, 1998 - Mirror Image Internet, a leading provider ofcomprehensive Internet caching solutions, and Cisco Systems, Inc., theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet, today announced that theyhave signed an agreement aimed at extending the benefits of Internet cachingto both access providers and end users. The agreement authorizes MirrorImage to resell Cisco's Cache Engine worldwide.
"Cisco's Cache Engine provides market leading technology for enhancingoverall network performance as well as providing a platform for solutions tooptimize our customers' caching systems," said Christine Hemrick, vicepresident and general manager of the Internet Appliances and ApplicationsBusiness Unit at Cisco Systems. "We are excited about working with MirrorImage to maximize the effectiveness of our solution and to extend the impactof caching in the marketplace."
Under the terms of the agreement, Cisco and Mirror Image will work togetherto define new features and technologies that optimize the effectiveness oftheir combined solutions. In turn, the companies will jointly market theCisco Cache Engine and Mirror Image Cache Management Services that are bothcompliant with the Internet Caching Protocol (ICP). These solutions help toscale the Internet, increase the speed of Internet downloads, and ensurefreshness of content. Customers will also benefit from the companies' fileverification capabilities for the sharing of information about thetimeliness of cached content.
"Caching customers around the world should be thrilled by this agreement,"said David Wu, president, Mirror Image Internet. "Mirror Image's openCentral Cache and innovative Cache Management Services, combined with themarket's most powerful cache appliances from Cisco, represent theindisputable best-of-breed solution for the next stage of the Internet'sgrowth. And with our worldwide sales network and installed base, MirrorImage can help extend these solutions into new markets."
About Mirror Image Internet
Founded in 1996, Mirror Image Internet is a leading provider ofcomprehensive caching solutions. The company combines a unique two-tieredcaching architecture with its Cache Management Service to increase the speedof Internet downloads, relieve bandwidth bottlenecks and ensure freshness ofcontent for Internet service providers (ISPs), backbone providers andcorporations. Mirror Image deploys large Central Caches that serve ascommunity content servers enabling subscribers to avoid the congestion atkey Internet exchange points. Mirror Image's open caching solution workswith caching platforms from numerous vendors. Based in Woburn,Massachusetts, the company serves customers worldwide with offices in Londonand Stockholm.Cisco Systems
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