HP And Cisco To Demonstrate New Secure Web Transaction Solution
NEW YORK, FALL INTERNET WORLD, Dec. 10, 1997 -- Today Cisco Systems and Hewlett-Packard Company will demonstrate their new Secure Web Transaction Solution (SWTS) in Cisco's booth, No. 2045, and HP's booth, No. 1403. (See today's release titled, "HP and Cisco Help Increase Internet Security.") The solution is a tested reference design architecture that incorporates powerful security features.
Pairing Cisco's PIX Firewall with the HP VirtualVault Web server greatly reduces risks over the Internet from outside intruders. All incoming Internet traffic is screened by the PIX Firewall; only traffic allowed by the security policy is allowed through. In the SWTS environment, the PIX Firewall directs all active-content Web traffic to the Cisco Local Director, which monitors the traffic and directs traffic to the fastest responding, or most available, HP Virtual Vault Web-server.
Supporting more than 16,000 simultaneous sessions and thousands of users, the PIX Firewall operates at greater than 90 megabits per second. For added reliability, the PIX Firewall series offers a failover/hot-standby upgrade option, which eliminates a single point of failure.
The Web front-end applications execute in the secure run-time environment of the HP VirtualVault platform. HP VirtualVault separates the Internet component of the application, for example, the Web-server, from the intranet component, usually implemented as Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs. This separation, plus the least-privilege policy, which removes the vulnerable, root-user ID and account from the operating system, restricts the scope of security flaws in the Web front-end.
Cisco's LocalDirector dynamically load-balances traffic between multiple co-located servers to ensure timely access and response to customer requests. It functions as a front-end to a group of servers, ensuring high availability of the servers and applications.
About Cisco
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at http://www.cisco.com.
About HP
HP is the official information-technology hardware and maintenance supplier to the 1998 World Cup soccer tournament and the 1997 Tournament of France. Selected for its technology and skills to support and manage mission-critical applications, HP will help create an information-management infrastructure for handling game-scoring; media centers; personnel accreditation; hotel information; and various ticketing, stadium, warehouse and back-office operations.
Hewlett-Packard Company is a leading global provider of computing, Internet and intranet solutions, services, communications products and measurement solutions, all of which are recognized for excellence in quality and support. It is the second-largest computer supplier in the world, with computer-related revenue in excess of $35.4 billion in its 1997 fiscal year. HP has 121,900 employees and had revenue of $42.9 billion in its 1997 fiscal year.
Information about HP and its products can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.hp.com.
Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. athttp://www.cisco.com.
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