News Release

Internet Access Group to Build Midwest's Largest Regional Internet Backbone with Cisco ATM Switches

IAG to Offer Multimedia and Voice/Data Applications to Business Customers
Nov 20, 1997

CLEVELAND, Ohio - November 20, 1997 - Internet Access Group, Inc. (IAG), a leading provider ofInternet connectivity services, today announced the acquisition of several new AsynchronousTransfer Mode (ATM) switches from Cisco Systems, Inc. as part of its bid to build the largestregional Internet backbone in the Midwestern United States.

IAG plans to combine its network with CICNet, an Internet service provider that maintains amajor operating hub in Chicago. IAG will install carrier-class Cisco BPX ATM switches toimplement an ATM backbone that will integrate its network with CICNet.

"These broadband ATM switches provide the maximum network utilization and speed whileguaranteeing IAG customers the bandwidth required of their applications," said Stephen Abbey,CEO and president of IAG. "These powerful switches are designed to deliver a variety ofinternetworking services and an easy migration path to a potential future deployment of OC-3(152.3 Mbps) and higher bandwidth lines between IAG's major network points of presence. Inaddition, Cisco's plans for the integration of IP and ATM functionality using technologies likeTag Switching give us confidence in the long term viability and scalability of ATM as atransport for IP traffic."

The Cisco BPX is a standards-based ATM switch that maximizes network utilization whileproviding IAG customers the bandwidth they need to deploy the latest multimedia and voice/dataapplications across the network. IAG will use the switches for high-speed switching of its IPnetwork as well as offering customers ATM services, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs),videoconferencing and legacy Frame Relay transport.

IAG's transit arrangements with all the major national backbone providers allow forexceptionally fast access to the global Internet. These connections, in combination with BGP-4(the industry standard for interdomain routing), gives IAG customers access to quick andefficient routes during both normal and peak hours.

"IAG's use of the Cisco BPX switch is an excellent example of the reliability and scalabilityof the product," said Joseph Golden, vice president of marketing for Cisco's Wide Area Network(WAN) business unit. "The BPX is a true carrier-class switch that easily integrates intoexisting networks and serves as an excellent multiservice delivery platform. Companies likeIAG view their ATM purchases as strategic acquisitions; they have to be confident that theproduct will scale for future network expansion, and the BPX switch is perfect for that role."

About Internet Access Group

Internet Access Group, Inc., headquartered in Cleveland with offices throughout the MidwesternUnited States, is the leading provider of Internet connectivity services. IAG's productsinclude the hardware, software and network management services required to establish aconnection between customer site LANs and the Internet. More information and news on IAG'sservices are available at http://

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at

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