News Release

GTE Internetworking Deploys Cisco Gigabit Switch Routers

Offers Customers Reliable Internet Service Using Cisco 12000 Series Gigabit Switch Routers
Nov 05, 1997

Irving, Texas - November 5, 1997 - GTE Internetworking, one of the nation's leadingproviders of Internet access and value-added services for businesses, today announced that itis installing Cisco 12000 series Gigabit Switch Routers (GSR) in its national high-speedInternet backbone. With the new Gigabit Switch Routers, GTE Internetworking will offerimproved performance for all its customers' applications.

GTE Internetworking is deploying the Cisco 12000 series routers operating over its nationwidemesh of OC-3 SONET circuits, after having a GSR in its network testbed since August of thisyear. The Cisco 12000 series complements the many Cisco 7500 series routers currently in usein the GTE network. Both Cisco models run the scalable and service-rich Cisco IOS(TM) softwareproviding high-performance queuing and traffic engineering services to support GTE's IP classof service (COS) offerings. These advanced capabilities enable GTE Internetworking to offerhigh-speed, reliable performance with one of the industry's first service level guarantees.

"Our customers include many of the world's top information, technology, manufacturing andfinancial services companies, so reliability and availability are crucial to us," said SteveBlumenthal, vice president and general manager of GTE Internetworking Global NetworkInfrastructure. "We selected the Cisco 12000 series GSR for the reliability and performance itwill provide to our network, in addition to its carrier-class design and scalability."

Don Listwin, senior vice president of Cisco's service provider line of business, said, "GTEInternetworking's use of the Cisco12000 series, along with other elements that comprise theirnetwork, will enable GTE Internetworking to continue to provide premium and extremely reliableInternet access to their business customers." Listwin continued, "Our relationship will enableGTE Internetworking to deliver a high level of network interoperability and performance alongwith new and differentiated services."

In May GTE Corp., the parent of GTE Internetworking, and Cisco announced a strategicrelationship aimed at delivering value-added services on GTE's national network. In additionto the large scale network deployment, the agreement includes product collaboration, systemsenhancement and service creation projects, enabling GTE to leverage Cisco's strengths innetworking technologies for the Internet.

About GTE Internetworking

GTE Internetworking, a unit of GTE Corporation (NYSE: GTE), includes the recently acquired BBNCorporation, which 28 years ago developed the ARPANET, the forerunner to today's Internet, andGTE Intelligent Network Services, which provides Internet services to consumers and smallbusinesses.

GTE Internetworking offers customers, from consumers to Fortune 500 companies, a full spectrumof Internet services using IP networking technologies. GTE Internetworking delivers completenetwork solutions, including dial-up and dedicated Internet access, high-performance Webhosting, managed security, network management, systems integration, and Web-based applicationdevelopment for integrating the Internet into business operations. GTE Internetworking drawsupon BBN's expertise in funded research and development of advanced technologies, includingsatellites, digital radio, multigigabit routers, security, and speech, and GTE's strongexisting telecommunications services, including local and long distance, wireless, paging,video, and Internet. The address for the GTE Internetworking home page is

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at

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