SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 31, 1997 - Sony Corporation and Cisco Systems, Inc. today announcedthey have agreed to work together to develop interoperable networking products that support theMultimedia Cable Network System (MCNS) Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS)industry standard.
Based on this agreement, Sony will develop cable modems in the future based on a referencedesign and network software provided by Cisco.
Sony will build cable modems and related subscriber equipment conforming to DOCSIS, whichdefines technical specifications for equipment at both subscriber locations and cable operatorheadend locations. Cisco will provide the initial reference design for the modem and thenetworking software to connect to Cisco headend equipment. Adoption of DOCSIS by systemoperators and equipment-makers will accelerate deployment of data-over-cable services byensuring that consumers can obtain reasonably priced cable modems at retail outlets or throughservice providers. Compliance to this standard will also ensure interoperability of equipmentthroughout different system operators' infrastructures.
"High-bandwidth networking into the home will become very commonplace in the near future, andSony will be using its expertise to develop exciting new network-based products targeted forthe home environment. The MCNS-compliant cable modem that we will develop based on ouragreement with Cisco is a prime example of this. Cisco will be able to deliver the networktechnology necessary to enable a variety of advanced multimedia services to be delivered to thehome," said Yoshihiro Shimada, general manager of Sony Corporation Computer Peripherals andComponents Company.
"Cisco is pleased to be working with Sony to help enable broadband services for residentialcustomers," said Charlie Giancarlo, vice president of Global Alliances for Cisco. "Ourcompanies share a common vision of the impact this technology can have in the future, and welook forward to working with Sony in this exciting field."
The DOCSIS standard is managed by Multimedia Cable Network System (MCNS) Partners Ltd., anorganization formed by four major cable television system operators - Comcast CableCommunications Inc., Cox Communications, Tele-Communications Inc., and Time Warner Cable. Theeffort also is supported by Rogers Cablesystems Ltd., MediaOne and Cable TelevisionLaboratories Inc. (CableLabs). CableLabs is a research-and-development consortium of cablesystem operators representing more than 85 percent of cable subscribers in the United Statesand 70 percent of subscribers in Canada.
About Sony
Sony Corporation is the world's leading manufacturer of audio, video, and informationtechnology products in both the consumer and professional fields. Its music, pictures, andvideo game businesses also make Sony one of the world's most comprehensive entertainmentcompanies. Sony recorded consolidated annual sales of over $45 billion in the fiscal year endedMarch 31, 1997 and employs 163,000 worldwide. For more information, visit the Sony website at: