News Release

Cisco Systems Joins the Finjan Java Security Alliance

Support of Java Security Standard Widens
Jul 28, 1997

Santa Clara, Calif., July 28, 1997: Java security leader Finjan announced that Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) has joinedFinjan's Java Security Alliance (JSA), further widening industrysupport for Finjan's Java security standard. As a member of the JSA,Cisco will have access to Finjan's powerful content inspectiontechnology, which Cisco intends to integrate with its suite of securitysolutions, to produce an extensible content filtering capability.

"Cisco's participation in the Java Security Alliance means thatvirtually the entire firewall industry now supports Finjan's contentinspection technology," said Ted Julian, Internet Research Manager atInternational Data Corporation (IDC). "This move is symbolic of thedirection of the networking industry towards more comprehensive,integrated corporate security solutions, and certainly Finjan isresponsible for significant progress made in the Java and ActiveXsecurity segment of that industry."

The JSA, a program combining Finjan research, development and technicalsupport with a variety of Internet industry specialists, aims todevelop a streamlined process for integrating Java and ActiveX contentinspection into security devices to benefit the entire industry. WithFinjan's Software Development Kit (SDK), JSA members can integrate theJava security standard into their own product designs, providingcorporate Internet users with integrated, more powerful securitydevices for the distributed computing environment they face as Java andActiveX use continues to rise.

"Cisco customers demand innovative product solutions with the highestlevel of network security, and we believe Cisco's participation in theJSA will enhance our ability to deliver the technology solutions ourcustomers require," said Frank Roys, Director of Product Marketing forthe Internet Appliances and Applications Business Unit at CiscoSystems, Inc.

Finjan's patent pending SurfinGate technology, the basis of Finjan'sSDK and the JSA, is the first enterprise security software designed toprotect corporations from hostile Java attacks. It dynamically inspectsincoming Java applet content at the gateway for potential networksecurity threats -- industrial espionage, data manipulation, or systemresource attack. Unlike anti-virus or anti-vandal products, SurfinGateinspects, sandboxes and manages Java downloadables that discreetlyenter the network as part of their distributed computing design.SurfinGate not only inspects Java content for security breaches farbefore attackers can threaten the network, but also offers a powerfulpackage of Java management tools that help corporations enforce acustomized, enterprise-wide security policy. SurfinGate was awardedData Communications Magazine Hot Product of the Year Award in 1997.

The New Level of Internet Threat

New Internet technologies such as Java and ActiveX, designed to betterenable cross-platform communication, have drastically altered the leveland approach of computer damaging elements. Anyone seeking tomaliciously manipulate corporate information or attack corporatecomputers now has an accommodating Java and ActiveX environment thatoffers easy, quick, and discreet methods of attack. Mini-applicationslike Java applets enter network computers whenever users accessJava-enabled Web sites or use Web browsers, and this distributedcomputing allows unchecked applets into the network without anywarning, announcement, or even opportunity for users to refuse them.SurfinGate technology prevents Java applet attacks that can bypassbuilt-in security systems like the Java Security Manager, offeringextensive management controls and features designed for thecorporation.

About JSA

Founded in January 1997 by Finjan, the Java Security Alliance is aprogram that guides cooperation between Finjan and leading firewallcompanies. In addition to Cisco, JSA members include TrustedInformation Systems (TIS), Raptor Systems, CheckPoint SoftwareTechnologies, Digital Equipment Corporation - Alta Vista, Network-1Software and Technology, Milkyway Networks, Secure Computing, ANSCommunications and Aventail Inc.

About Finjan

Finjan Software is the leader in Java and ActiveX security, setting thede facto standard for downloadables security with the JSA and a fullline of solutions that protect computer resources from hostile Internetattacks including industrial espionage, file deletion, hardwaredestruction, e-mail fraud and otherwise errant applets. Finjan wasfounded in 1996 by veteran Israeli entrepreneur Shlomo Touboul, and inJuly 1997, was selected as one of the "Top 25 Coolest Companies" byFortune Magazine. In April 1997, Finjan was ranked the number 10Enterprise Software company worldwide by Software Magazine. For acomplete list of milestones and company and product information, pleasevisit the popular Finjan Web site,

SurfinGate is a trademark of Finjan Software Ltd.; All other trademarksor registered trademarks are owned by their respective holders.Copyright 1997 Finjan Software Ltd.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at

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