News Release

Comdisco/Cisco Tests Show Channel Interface Processor Lowers Costs, Enhances Mainframe/Network Performance

Comdisco/Cisco Tests Show Channel Interface Processor Lowers Costs, Enhances Mainframe/Network Performance
Jun 04, 1997

Rosemont, IL, and San Jose, CA --June 4, 1997 -- Comdisco Continuity Services and CiscoSystems, Inc. today announced results of ongoing testing that showed that Cisco's ChannelInterface Processor (CIP) can lower costs and increase performance of mainframe computers andnetworks. Cisco's CIP is used to connect IBM and IBM-compatible mainframe computers directlyto a network without the need for additional, expensive hardware. Using Comdisco's dedicatedtesting facility, which includes an IBM 9021/982 mainframe system, the tests mirrored theproduction environment of an enterprise's high-end, high-throughput applications.

In the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) network environment, one of the most significant testresults showed that the Cisco 7513 CIP ESCON-attached router is up to six times faster thanIBM's ESCON-attached 3746 front-end processor in both a frames-per-second SNA environment andin a concurrent SNA session environment.

In the TCP/IP environment, tests were conducted that compared the CPU consumption of the CiscoIOS(TM) for S/390 Software Release 1 to IBM's Version 3, Release 2 for Telnet. These testsshowed that the Cisco solution provides a 35 percent reduction in CPU consumption compared withthe IBM product thereby, saving mainframe cycles by offloading TCP/IP processing from themainframe.

"We hope that Comdisco's test results will help to educate MIS managers on the benefits ofCisco's CIP and how it can improve mainframe performance," said Scott Palmquist, product linemanager for Cisco. "Comdisco operates one of the largest independent testing facilitiesavailable. By conducting these tests in their facility, we can provide our customers withobjective performance results that they can use to make sound decisions."

"As a technology services company, we need to be able to assess, implement and manage, as wellas successfully recover, the latest environments that will help our customers improve their useof technology to support their business goals," said Allan Graham, Comdisco senior vicepresident of operations. "By committing resources to research and development like thisproject with Cisco, we are able to increase our first-hand experience with the technology andits performance, allowing us to better guide our customers in their migration plans."

About Comdisco

Comdisco, Inc. (NYSE: CDO), a technology services company, is one of the world's leadingproviders of solutions that help organizations reduce technology cost and risk. These servicesinclude business continuity, asset management, network services, and equipment leasing andremarketing. Comdisco's revenue totaled $2.4 billion for the fiscal year ended September 30,1996. Comdisco Continuity and Network Services revenue totaled $318 million. For furtherinformation, visit Comdisco's Web site at

Comdisco and its logos are registered trademarks and Comdisco Continuity Services is atrademark of Comdisco, Inc.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at

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