News Release

International Schools CyberFair 1997, Finalists Announced

Interactive Awards Ceremony to Join Students Worldwide
May 14, 1997

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SAN DIEGO, Calif. - May 14, 1997 - Combining their community pride and high-tech know-how,students from around the globe have helped to put their local communities on the map byputting them on the Web. Following months of hard work, 48 finalist schools have beenselected for the International Schools CyberFair 97, a global Internet competition in whichstudents kindergarten through 12th grade from around the world are asked to showcase a uniqueaspect of their local community by designing their own websites. The winners of this excitingglobal learning project will be announced during an interactive awards ceremony to be held May14.

The International Schools CyberFair, now in its second year, is believed to be the largestevent of its kind ever held on the Internet. Sponsored by MCI, Cisco Systems, NetworkSolutions and the Global SchoolNet Foundation, this year s event brought together more than20,000 students from 258 schools in 37 countries. Websites in eight different categories wereevaluated by schools using a unique web tool and a peer review process. Acting as "studentambassadors," the schoolchildren have shared their stories with other students around theglobe. Children were able to learn what it means to be part of a global community whilelearning computer skills that will better prepare them for the post-school world.

The awards ceremony will be held May 14 at the Qualcomm auditorium in San Diego at noonPacific Daylight Time. Schools from across the country and around the world will beparticipating via CU- SeeMe video conferencing and two-way audio bridges. The event'ssponsors will provide exciting prizes for the winning schools which will help further developthe students technological education. Grand prizes will be awarded for the best entry in eachcategory, including local leaders, community groups and special populations, business andcommunity organizations, local specialties, local attractions, historical landmarks,environmental awareness, and local music and art. A number of guest presenters willparticipate, including MCI s Vint Cerf, known as the father of the Internet.

Prizes will include:
  • 8 grand prizes from MCI including everything from keyboards to connectionto the biggest Internet backbone in the world: Pentium Pro 200 and T1 direct Internet access(where available) valued at $40,000
  • 40 Micro Webservers provided by Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • 3,000 CyberFair T-shirts, provided by Network Solutions Inc.
  • 32 DC 20 digital cameras, provided by Kodak Co.
  • 24 Graphics Tablets with Erasing Ultra Pens, provided by Wacom
  • 24 HyperStudio software packages, provided by Roger Wagner
  • Publishers
Each school which submitted a completed entry will also receive free software from thefollowing companies:
  • Assorted software from Educorp
  • Assorted software from Microsoft
  • Security software from Citadel Computer Systems Inc./Kent March Ltd.
  • Assorted Fractal software from Fractal Design Corp. Inc.
  • Movie Works from Interactive Solutions Inc.
  • Assorted software from Adobe Systems
More details on the International Schools CyberFair 97, including specific information on theparticipating schools, sponsors and prizes, may be found by touring the events website

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