SAN JOSE, CALIF., FRAMINGHAM, MASS. - May 19, 1997 - Cisco Systems, Inc. and ProcessSoftware Corporation today announced they have reached an agreement in which Process willpurchase Cisco's MultiNet(R) and MultiNet Secure/IP(TM) products. The MultiNet products forOpenVMS enable a VAX or Alpha system to take advantage of all the services and applicationsavailable on the Internet and the World Wide Web. This agreement will provide MultiNet userswith top-quality technical support and will enable continued growth of their business within aTCP/IP environment. Terms of the agreement were not made public.
"Process Software is uniquely positioned to understand both the business and technologicalneeds of the TCP/IP user in the OpenVMS market," said Christine Hemrick, general manager andvice president of Cisco's Internet Appliances and Applications Business Unit. "The company'sstrong commitment to the OpenVMS market - demonstrated by the technological advances theycontinue to make to TCPware, their flagship product - combined with their firm dedication tocustomer support will guarantee that this partnership serves the mission-critical businessneeds of our loyal MultiNet customers."
"This relationship assures that MultiNet customers will continue to receive the best TCP/IPproducts and support," said Dean Goodermote, president and chief executive officer of ProcessSoftware. "We are very excited about the prospect of developing a best-in-class TCP/IPproduct."
Both companies are committed to implementing a smooth transition of Cisco's TCP/IP products forOpenVMS and services to Process Software in a manner which considers customer satisfactionfirst and foremost. Customers will be able to order products and service from Processbeginning June 1, 1997. In the interim, Cisco will continue to provide all products andsupport.
TCP/IP, the backbone networking protocol of the Internet, is the protocol of choice for mostcorporations' internal networks, particularly among the large installed base of OpenVMS sitesworldwide. The agreement ensures that this growing segment of the OpenVMS market is properlysupported with TCP/IP software and services.
Cisco and Process Software actively support version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6) which isemerging as the future standard for routing over the Internet. IPv6 is intended to solve theaddressing problem and integrate features based on experience gained from the current IP,version 4. IPv6 standards are expected to expand routing and addressing capabilities, enableglobal "addresses for a lifetime", simplify IP header format, allow class of servicedefinitions and highly integrated capabilities for user authentication and security.
Cisco MultiNet is a high-performance, stable and easy-to-use TCP/IP solution for OpenVMS thatoffers a complete suite of TCP/IP applications and services, such as file access, electronicmail, Web browser, network and transport services.
Process Software
Process Software Corporation delivers Internetworking software based on the IP networkingprotocol. Based in Framingham, MA, Process Software has cultivated its core expertise inTCP/IP - the backbone of the Internet - and develops a family of core products, includingTCPware, a leading TCP/IP solution for OpenVMS, and Purveyor Encrypt WebServer. ProcessSoftware is also engaged in developing products and services designed to facilitate thetransition from the current IP protocol to Ipv6. at
Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. at
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