HOUSTON, TX, May 21, 1997, 1997/ The 3rd annualTenagra Awards for Internet Marketing Excellence wereawarded today to Cisco Systems, Dell Computer, 24 Hoursin Cyberspace, Eastman Kodak, The Palace, LinkExchange,Amazon.com and Steve O'Keefe. The Tenagra Awards http://awards.tenagra.com/ recognize substantiveachievements and contributions by organizations andindividuals to the field of Internet Marketing, PublicRelations, and Advertising.
"This year's winners are outstanding examples of the benefits of integrating the Internet into a businessprocess," said Cliff Kurtzman, President and CEOof Tenagra, "Each of the three years we have donethese awards the committee has observed a clear trendtowards companies treating Internet marketing less asan 'experiment' and more as a business necessity.Each success makes our industry more credible, andrecognition of these successes ends up strengtheningthe industry as a whole."
The Awards were given in four categories, coveringInternet developments in 1996:
Use of Internet marketingto achieve significant financial returnCisco Systems and Dell Computers
Cisco Systems http://www.cisco.com/contact: Bob Michelet, Cisco Systems
phone: 408.526.6636 / email: bmichele@cisco.com
Cisco is using the Web to streamline the product-orderingprocess for its customers and channel partners. The$6-billion networking company is on track to meet itsgoal of having 30% of all orders placed over the Internetby July. Sales already are running at more than $5 milliona day. Cisco also uses the Web extensively for customersupport.
Dell Computers http://www.dell.com/Dell has achieved impressive results using the Internet asa sales channel, doing as much as $1 million dollars perday according to published reports. In addition, Dell'sown data has shown that a significant number of people usethe web site to research computer system specificationsbefore calling the company's 800 number to order.
Use of Internet marketing toachieve significant public relations success24 Hours in Cyberspace, Eastman Kodak Company and The Palace
24 Hours in Cyberspace http://www.cyber24.com/24 Hours was, by all measures, the biggest Internet-relatedawareness-raising event of the year. Against All OddsProductions (the company responsible for the event) wasable put a human face on the Internet and extend the onlineculture out to the general public.
Eastman Kodak Company http://www.kodak.com/contact: Emma Ballard, Shandwick International
phone: 202.383.9711 / email: eballard@shandwick.com
contact: Mike Pagano, Eastman Kodak Company
phone: 716.724.3226 / email: pagano@kodak.com
Kodak has deeply integrated the Internet into its publiccommunications process, extended awareness of theirbrand, and garnered significant press coverage in theprocess, and shown how to truly "Take Pictures. Further".They have used their Web site in innovative and significantways to engage customers develop relationships with theircustomers make sales and reduce customer support costs.
The Palace http://www.thepalace.com/contact: Tony Winders or Alyssa Factor, Interactive Agency
phone: 310.664.6710
email: tony@iagency.com or missp@iagency.com
Through the results of their public relations campaign, ThePalace achieved wide distribution of their servers, widecoverage in the press and built impressive partnershipswith large organizations.
Use of successful strategies for Internet advertisingAmazon.com and LinkExchange
Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Amazon.com was chosen for its Associates program. The programis a pioneer in the transaction-based advertising model, andit has helped widely establish Amazon as a brand name.
LinkExchange http://www.linkexchange.com/Contact: Susan Cooney, LinkExchange
phone: 415.543.4435 x107/ email: smc@linkexchange.com
LinkExchange achieved broad distribution and success byproviding advertising options for web sites that wouldotherwise not be able to participate in online advertising.In addition, LinkExchange widely disseminated its brandby placing the LinkExchange icon on each ad banner.LinkExchange achieves all this with a business modelrooted in the gift economy - an important aspect ofInternet culture.
Individual contribution that facilitates Internet marketingSteve O'Keefe for his book "Publicity on the Internet"
Steve O'Keefe, "Publicity on the Internet,Creating Successful Publicity Campaigns on the
Internet and Commercial Online Services"
contact: Steve O'Keefe, Internet Publicity Services
phone: 360.385.5826 / email: IPS@olympus.net
Mr. O'Keefe's book is a significant contribution to theonline marketing community and is widely considered thedefinitive reference in the field of Internet PublicRelations.
About the Awards
Started in 1994, The Tenagra Awards for Internet MarketingExcellence recognize substantive achievements andcontributions by organizations and individuals to the fieldof Internet Marketing. It is currently the only award thatspecifically honors achievements in Internet marketing andselects winners via a committee of Internet marketingexperts.
Award applications in each category were accepted from thegeneral public through January 31, 1997. Four nominatingand review committees voted on the final award winnersbased on both submitted applications and internalnominations. One member of The Tenagra Corporationcoordinated each committee, however, Tenagra personnelabstained from voting on the Amazon.com and 24 Hours inCyberspace awards because Tenagra participates in theAmazon Associates Program and Tenagra CEO Cliff Kurtzmanwas profiled as part of the 24 Hours In Cyberspace project.Projects that Tenagra executed on behalf of itself or itsclients were excluded from award consideration.
The Nominating and Review Committees were composed of adiverse panel of independent Internet marketing experts:
Kim M. Bayne, PresidentwolfBayne Communications (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Author of The Internet Marketing Plan.
Alfred R. Bredenberg
Al Bredenberg Creative Services (Cornwall, Connecticut)
Author of The Small Business Guide to Internet Marketing.
Jill Ellsworth, Ph.D., Senior Partner
Oak Ridge Research (San Marcos, Texas)
Author of Marketing on the Internet:
Multimedia Strategies for the World Wide Web.
Richard Hoy, Director, Marketing and Client Promotions
The Tenagra Corporation (Houston, Texas)
Moderator of the Online Advertising Discussion List.
Clifford R. Kurtzman, Ph.D., President and CEO
The Tenagra Corporation (Houston, Texas).
Joel Maloff, President
The Maloff Company (Dexter, Michigan)
Internet Business Consultants; Author of
The Official Internet World Net.Profit.
Bob O'Keefe, Editor
Net.Value: The Forum for Web Strategy (England).
Charles Sayers, Publisher
Who's Marketing Online (Acworth, Georgia).
Ken Sethney, personal coach to CEOs, executives
and managers with interests in marketing
communications and internet strategies
The Sethney Group (Costa Mesa, California).
Jim Sterne, President
Target Marketing (Santa Barbara, California)
Author of World Wide Web Marketing:
Integrating the Internet Into Your Marketing Strategy.
Frank Taylor, President
TriNet Services Inc. (Raleigh, North Carolina),
Internet and Web Integration and Consulting.
Tom Vassos, Internet Marketing Strategies Manager
IBM Toronto Laboratory (Toronto, Canada)
Author of Strategic Internet Marketing.
Eric Ward, President
The Ward Group (Knoxville, Tennessee)
Editor, NetWIRE
Technical Editor, Strategic Internet Marketing.
About the Tenagra Corporation
Founded in 1993, The Tenagra Corporation http://www.tenagra.com/ is a Houston, Texas companyproviding Internet marketing, public relations, consultingand web site development services.
Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. athttp://www.cisco.com.
Cisco IOS is a trademark, and Cisco, Cisco Systems, and the Cisco Systems logo areregistered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. in the U.S. and certain other countries. All othertrademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.