News Release

Sunexpress Announces Agreement with Cisco Systems

SunExpress to Offer Comprehensive Cisco Product Line, Expert Networking Advice and Cisco-Certified Services to Sun Aftermarket Customers
Apr 07, 1997

Chelmsford, Mass. -- April 7, 1997 -- SunExpress, Inc., the aftermarketingcompany of Sun Microsystems, Inc., today announced it will offer a broad range ofnetworking products from Cisco Systems, Inc., to SunTM installed base customers.To assist aftermarket customers in integrating Cisco products into Sun computingenvironments, SunExpress will also offer expanded networking services and istraining aftermarket systems engineers and telesales representatives totechnician level on Sun networking solutions. The SunExpress relationship withCisco and related training and services support the SunExpressTM networkingprogram just announced to help Sun customers improve network performance.

Business opportunities made possible by the Internet and intranet, and newtechnologies such as the widespread use of computerized graphics, audio and videoare placing new demands on networks. To better respond to customer needs,SunExpress is working with Cisco and Cisco-certified service suppliers to providethe networking products, services and solutions Sun aftermarket customers need intoday's dynamic computing environment.

Between now and Summer 1997, SunExpress will phase Cisco-related services and theCisco networking product line -- including switches, hubs, routers, wide areanetworking and ISDN products -- into its existing aftermarketing productoffering. SunExpress will offer the Cisco products to installed base customers inthe United States, Canada, Europe and Japan.

Gary Daichendt, senior vice president of worldwide operations at Cisco Systems,commented: "This agreement represents a significant business opportunity forCisco to reach the Sun installed base by leveraging Sun's aftermarketingexpertise, a core Sun competency. Customers will benefit from the combination ofCisco's product line, Sun's networking leadership and SunExpress' commitment toresponsive customer services and ongoing competency training."

"Cisco's proven networking solutions make it an ideal partner to assist inmeeting the needs of Sun installed-base customers," said Art Carty, vicepresident and general manager, North America, at SunExpress. "TheSunExpress/Cisco relationship will provide a depth and breadth of plug-and-playproducts and services that allow Sun customers to upgrade their existingnetworking capabilities to address exploding Internet- and intranet-basedenvironments."

Specialized Networking Services and Pre-Sales Support

To complement the services offered by SunService, Sun's world-class service andsupport organization, SunExpress is working with Cisco-certified servicesuppliers to provide specialized networking services where required. In additionto classic warranty extension and contract maintenance services, servicesuppliers will offer value-added services such as cable plant design, networkdesign and planning, network performance analysis and network fault analysis.

SunExpress has been expanding the connectivity expertise of its staff for morethan a year to satisfy customer requirements for networking products, informationand services. This training program, which focuses on developing consultativeselling skills, includes Cisco-Certified Internetworking Engineer (CCIE)certification for SunExpress support engineers and Cisco networking training forSunExpress telesales representatives.

Bob Chiras, SunExpress product marketing manager, said: "The SunExpress/Ciscoagreement is a win for the Sun installed base. It rounds out our aftermarketproduct and services offering, and is a natural fit with our focus on deliveringconnectivity solutions for today's complex computing environments. By offeringthis broad range of Cisco networking products, we increase the ease of deployingtechnology, thereby optimizing the investment our customers have made in Suntechnology."

SunExpress makes its entire product and service catalog available online at

As the aftermarketing company of Sun Microsystems, Inc., SunExpress, Inc., isdedicated to enhancing relationships with Sun customers by ensuring they haveeasy, convenient access to the information, products and services needed toenhance and expand their Sun computing solutions. SunExpress reaches customersworldwide through toll-free phone or fax, e-mail and the SunExpress Internetsite. Customers in Canada, Europe, Japan and the U.S. can also place orders andcheck the status of orders over the Internet using SunPlaza(SM) Internet-basedcommerce services, accessible through the SunExpress Internet site. The company'scomprehensive product offerings support SPARCTM systems, SolarisTM environments,JavaTM technology and other solutions based on open network computing.Headquartered in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, SunExpress currently serves Suninstalled base customers in Canada, Europe, Japan and the U.S.

About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Since its inception in 1982, a singular vision, "The Network Is The ComputerTM,"has propelled Sun Microsystems, Inc., (NASDAQ "SUNW"), to its position as aleading provider of hardware, software and services for establishingenterprise-wide intranets and expanding the power of the Internet. With more than$7 billion in annual revenues, Sun can be found in more than 150 countries and onthe World Wide Web at

Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, Java, JavaStation, SunExpress, SunPlaza,Solaris and The Network Is The Computer are service marks, trademarks orregistered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States and othercountries. All SPARC trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARCInternational, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Products bearingSPARC trademarks are based on an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO)is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. News and information areavailable at

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Cisco IOS and Cisco Systems are trademarks, and Cisco and the Cisco logoare registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. All other trademarks, servicemarks, registered trademarks or registered service marks mentioned in thisdocument are the property of their respective owners.