News Release

Cisco Systems Implements Line-of-Business Organizational Structure

Cisco Systems Implements Line-of-Business Organizational Structure
Apr 23, 1997

SAN JOSE, Calif. - April 23, 1997 - Cisco Systems Inc. today announced anorganizational realignment to strengthen its focus on customer segments. Allresearch-and-development and solutions marketing will be organized under threeLines of Business - Service Provider, Enterprise and Small/Medium Business.

The Line of Business teams will define and implement both market and operationalstrategies that will enable them to deliver end-to-end solutions to their targetcustomers. The teams are comprised of product Business Units, which areresponsible for platform development and product management, Network ManagementUnits, and Line of Business Marketing.

The change is another in a series of steps to evolve the company from aproduct-focused structure to a customer-oriented, solutions-based structure.

The Service Provider organization, headed by Don Listwin, will provide end-to-endnetworking systems for service provider customers, including telecommunicationcarriers, Internet service providers, cable and wireless companies. Its emphasiswill be on delivering next-generation services of particular interest to serviceproviders.

The Enterprise Line of Business, led by Mario Mazzola, will provide largecorporate and institutional customers with end-to-end, scalable networkingsolutions that leverage the convergence of switching and routing technologies,plus comprehensive network management, security and support for multi-serviceapplications.

The Small/Medium Business organization, led by Howard Charney, will deliverend-to-end networking solutions for small to medium-sized customers, with a focuson easy-to-use, integrated solutions that combine software and multiple products.

"The move to Lines of Business creates an organizational structure that sets thefoundation for moving Cisco to the next level," said John Chambers, Cisco'spresident and CEO. "This alignment will enable us to bring increased focus to ourcustomers and provide them with complete end-to-end solutions, includingintegrated software, hardware and network management."

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO)is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. News and information areavailable at

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