News Release

Cisco Building Internet 2 with Educators and Government Leaders

Gore Praises Internet 2 Networking Advances; Cisco Pledge Exceeds $1 Million
Apr 09, 1997

SAN JOSE, Calif. - April 9, 1997 - Cisco Systems, Inc. today announced it isthe initial Corporate Partner in the nationwide Internet 2 project. This projectjoins the university community, government and industry with the combined goal ofaccelerating the next stage of networking and Internet development.

Internet 2, in close partnership with the federal government's "Next GenerationInternet" initiative, will work with many leading universities to facilitate andcoordinate networking development, deployment, operation and technology transfer. As the first Internet 2 Corporate Partner and leading provider of networking fortoday's Internet, Cisco intends to contribute goods and services worth more than$1 million during the lifetime of the project.

"I am pleased to see that major high tech companies are partnering with ourleading research universities to develop the Next Generation Internet," saidUnited States Vice President Al Gore. "This will help create the foundation forthe networks and networked applications of the 21st century."

The Internet 2 project (, announced in October 1996, hasgrown from 34 U.S. research universities to more than 100. Cisco's pledgesupports the collaborative effort by these universities to build anext-generation Internet with advanced network services. Networked applicationsincluding distance learning, videoconferencing and network voice integration willbe better served by numerous new network points of presence (POPs) capable oftransmitting gigabits (billions of bits) of information per second. Internet 2participants also plan to broaden their research and development expenditures tohelp create the resulting GigaPOPs. As a result, both educators and governmentresearchers will benefit from developing advanced, network-based applications andnetwork services for higher-speed service.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) is theworldwide leader in networking for the Internet. News and information areavailable at

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