News Release

AboveNet Launches Dedicated Server Solutions Based on Cisco Micro Webserver for Small Business Web Hosting

AboveNet Offers High Performance Internet Presence to Businesses at Low Monthly Costs
Mar 10, 1997

San Jose, CA (March 10, 1997)- AboveNet Communications today announced a newInternet service based on Cisco's MicroWebServer that provides an efficientand reliable Web presence for small businesses. Available now, AboveNet willoffer Micro WebCondo, a service that includes a high-speed connection to theInternet and a dedicated Web server at an introductory lease price of $99 permonth.

The MicroWebCondo service provides small business users with an easy-to-useWeb server coupled with robust Internet connectivity at an affordable price."Customers can lease the product and have access to AboveNet's impressiveconnectivity for just $99 per month, which puts "class A" Internetproductivity and premium service within everyone's reach. We're very pleasedto be able to bring this exciting package to a broader base of customers,"said Sherman Tuan, president, AboveNet.

"Small and branch offices are looking for cost-effective Web publishingsolutions that can be quickly implemented with minimal complexity and whichare scalable and easy to set up and maintain," said Christine Hemrick, vicepresident and general manager of the Internet Appliances and ApplicationBusiness Unit at Cisco Systems, Inc. "The Cisco Micro Webserver coupled withAboveNet's reliable high-speed connectivity service gives small businessowners a one-step solution to establish a presence on the Web."

Slightly smaller than an average laptop computer, the Micro Webserver is acost-effective, "plug-and-play" Web server appliance that gives enterprise,small business, branch office, and educational customers an easy way toestablish an Internet presence or provide Intranet-base, Intra-officecommunications. Configurable in minutes using a Java graphical user interface((GUI) management application, the Micro Webserver packages both hardware andthe embedded Web software kernel within a small footprint and offersremovable media storage for content creation and Web authoring.

Together with the Micro Webserver, Internet connectivity with reliablebandwidth from 64 kbps to 2 Mbps is provided at AboveNet's Internet ServiceExchange facility with a direct connection to San Jose's MAE (MetropolitanAccess Exchange ) West, "main post office" where 50% of all the nation'sInternet traffic is routed to their respective destinations and or to otherconnectivity providers.

"As more and more businesses become dependent on the Internet, there's agreater demand for affordable, reliable and fast Internet access andpresence," said Sherman Tuan, President of AboveNet. AboveNet's InternetService Exchange facility provides the same premium Internet connectionservice to small and large servers alike."

AboveNet Communications

AboveNet Communications, the San Jose, Calif. based Internet Service Exchange(ISX) facility addresses bandwidth and mission criticality needs of InternetService Providers, (ISPs) large commercial websites and growing numbers ofentry-level "webcentric" businesses and their customers. Through its superiornetwork and routing technology, AboveNet is creating the infrastructure forInternet 2, "above-the-Net" with reliable, high speed, non-congested,Internet connectivity and data transport.

AboveNet's WebCondo, ISPCondo and MicroWebCondo provide class A, non-stop,non-congested co-location connection and monitoring to the Internet forcontent providers and ISPs. Proprietary technologies, such as EtherValve andDynamic Packet Flow Management support rapidly scalable bandwidth from 64Kbps to 100 Mbps, real-time monitoring, asymmetric routing and proactivenetwork management.

AboveNet's Internet Service Exchange facility has direct MAE West access andredundant connections to all of the major Internet connectivity providers.AboveNet's facility provides unprecedented security, reliability and highspeed to all its customers. AboveNet is building the foundation for the nextgeneration Internet through its growing metropolis of web-related productsand services that will create a reliable super information highway forbusiness and commerce into the 21st century.

Cisco Systems and Micro WebServer are trademarks, and Cisco and the Ciscologo are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. Web Condo, ISPCondo,MicroWebCondo, EtherValve and Dynamic Packet Flow Management are registeredtrademarks of AboveNet Communications.

Cisco Systems

Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networkingfor the Internet. at

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