- More Information on Cisco AS5200 Universal Access Server
- More News on Cisco AS5200 Internet Networking Customers
SAN JOSE, Calif. - February 24, 1997 - Cisco Systems, Inc. announcedtoday that, Massillon, Ohio-based, Stark Summit SuperNet Internet Storeand Cafi has selected a Cisco dial access solution to deliver localInternet services to Stark and Summit county subscribers. With a solidscalable network infrastructure in place, SSSNet is well positioned tomanage subscriber growth and deliver a host of unique localizedservices.
"After reviewing products from several remote access vendors, we chosethe Cisco dial access solution based on the superior platformperformance of the Cisco AS5200 and the exceptional value-add of CiscoIOS(TM) software," said Ronald Sovik, president and chief executiveofficer of SSSNet. "We can now focus our services on Stark and Summitcounties by connecting subscribers with local businesses and localevents. We offer a full range of Internet training classes, a 24 hourseven-day-a-week online customer help desk, and full Internet andintranet services. Moving forward, SSSNet is planning to deliver similarservices in five other counties."
Scalable Solution
More than 30 Cisco AS5200 universal access servers answer thousands ofanalog and digital subscriber calls. Cisco IOS software includes afeature called Multichassis Multilink PPP, enabling the Cisco AS5200 tobe stacked so that all incoming subscriber calls can be aggregatedsimultaneously. In addition, a Cisco 7513 backbone router ensures realtime multimedia rich data delivery to subscribers throughout thenetwork. A Cisco Catalyst 5000 meets workstation switchingrequirements. Cisco IOS software management features deliver a commonlook and feel for single workstation network management. The entireSSSNet computer facility is on display in a glass room at the InternetStore and Cafi.Unique Local Services
As a local two county Internet Service Provider, SSSNet offers a host ofeducational and community based Internet activities at the InternetStore and Cafi. Gourmet coffee is provided along with cellular phones,pagers and long-distance service. Browsing stations are available tocustomers, as well as video games and Internet services. POLIS, a"free" inter-county online "forum for the masses" provides an onlinearea for subscribers to chat, search local individual and businessdirectories, as well as listen to live music. An on-site educationalfacility offers training on computer operation, surfing the World WideWeb and building individual and business home pages. Educationalclasses are geared to all age groups and include special classes forchildren and senior citizens. In addition, a dedicated staff membereducates local business owners on building, maintaining and advertisingon their own web sites."SSSNet is a new breed of Internet Service Provider focused ondelivering unique local services that benefit local businesses as wellas subscribers," said Kevin Kennedy, vice president and general managerof the Access Business Unit at Cisco Systems. "SSSNet is wellpositioned to scale their dial access solution to meet the performancerequirements of local businesses and subscribers executing large filetransfers and multimedia rich applications."
About Stark Summit SuperNet
SSSNet services are available at World Wide Web sitehttp://www.sssnet.com. For more information, contact pr@sssnet.com.Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. News andinformation are available at http://www.cisco.com.
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