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SAN JOSE, Calif.- February 27, 1997 - Cisco Systems, Inc. announcedthat Houston, Texas- based NeoSoft(TM) Inc. has selected the CiscoAS5200 universal access server for its high-speed Internet accessnetwork. NeoSoft's leading-edge network combines the ability to handlehigh-bandwidth multimedia traffic with high-speed access technologiessuch as ISDN and cable modems.
NeoSoft and Cisco are working together to deploy an end-to-end,scaleable access solution that provides high-performance dial accessplatforms and enables a variety of value-added network services throughthe Cisco IOS(TM) software platform. The flexibility and scalability ofthese platforms will enable NeoSoft to reduce operating costs anddecrease time to market with new technologies and services forsubscribers. Subscribers now enjoy high-speed reliable access to themultimedia-rich World Wide Web.
"NeoSoft subscribers have come to expect leading edge Internet servicesand support for the latest multimedia enhancements," said KarlLehenbauer, NeoSoft's co-founder and chief technical officer. "Cisco'sAS5200 provides us with the ability to scale our network and deliverbest-of-class services to our subscribers. Cisco's remote access androuting solutions have easily integrated into our network allowing us tomanage the high-volume of traffic on our web site and network."
NeoSoft is one of the most established Internet service providers (ISPs)in the nation, delivering services for over five years, and was thefirst to offer dial access service in the Houston, Texas area. NeoSoftoffers subscribers Internet access, web development and hosting, ISDNand cable modem service and has one of the largest maintained web sitesin the world (the 27th most popular according to the Hot-100 Survey)receiving over 1.3 million hits a day. NeoSoft has establishedpartnerships with leading Internet developers and content providers toprovide subscribers with the latest Internet innovations.
"As subscribers transition to new higher speed technologies such as 56K,NeoSoft will be well positioned to integrate these new technologiesquickly and cost-effectively," said Kevin Kennedy, vice president andgeneral manager of the Access Business Unit at Cisco Systems. "TheAS5200 provides service providers with a seamless connectivity solutionwhich integrates innovative service and support, high performance accessplatforms and the latest Cisco IOS network services. Subscribersaccessing the Internet through NeoSoft's high-speed network experiencethe latest video, voice and multimedia applications."
About NeoSoft
NeoSoft, Inc. is a large regional Internet service provider with adiversified product base including access, software, service andcontent. at http://www.neosoft.com.
Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. News andinformation are available at http://www.cisco.com.
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