News Release

Cisco to Deliver Free 56Kbps Upgrades on All New AS5200 Purchases

Promising New Technology To Reach Customers In The First Half Of 1997
Feb 11, 1997

SAN JOSE, Calif.-February 11, 1997- Cisco Systems, Inc. announcedplans today to deliver free 56K technology upgrades on all new purchasesof the Cisco AS5200 universal access server made after February 1, 1997.

In addition to the free upgrades, Cisco instituted a 25% reductionin the list price of the AS5200. The new US list price starts at $28,100with 48 integrated modems and Cisco IOS(TM) software for IProuting.

Existing AS5200 customers will have the opportunity to participatein the 56K technology upgrade program at a nominal charge. Firstcustomer shipments are expected in the middle of 1997.

"As the industry works to adopt a stable 56K technology, Cisco iswell positioned to deliver proven ISDN and Frame Relay solutions todayand integrate reliable 56K technology as it meets customer performanceand connectivity requirements. We look forward to deploying 56Kbpstechnology quickly and affordably to customers in the middle of 1997,"said Tim McShane, senior product line manager, of the Access BusinessUnit at Cisco Systems. "With a new list price the Cisco AS5200 is wellpositioned to support the performance and budgeting requirements ofcustomers deploying media rich applications."

With interoperability testing underway, early test results are yieldingpromising results. Cisco is incorporating technology from both LucentTechnologies and Rockwell Semiconductor Systems in the development of anindustry wide interoperable 56K modem technology. High-density dialaccess servers currently under development, incorporating Cisco'sacquired MICA Blazer technology, will also support 56Kbps technology. Asservice providers and end-users migrate to a stable industry widestandard, access to the media rich world wide web and online serviceswill take place with nearly double the speed of today's fastest modems.

Cisco Systems

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