News Release

Cisco Systems Appoints Autodesk CEO Carol Bartz to Board, Names Senior Vice President and Promotes One to Vice President

Cisco Systems Appoints Autodesk CEO Carol Bartz to Board, Names Senior Vice President and Promotes One to Vice President
Feb 06, 1997

SAN JOSE, Calif. - February 6, 1997 - Cisco Systems, Inc. todayannounced the addition of Carol Bartz, president, CEO and chairman ofAutodesk, Inc., to Cisco's board of directors. In other executiveannouncements, Cisco named Carl Redfield as senior vice president ofmanufacturing and logistics and Dan Scheinman as vice president of legaland government affairs.

Bartz Rejoins Cisco Board of Directors

After a brief hiatus, Carol Bartz rejoins the Cisco board of directorsto become the tenth member of Cisco's board, joining John Morgridge,chairman of the board; John Chambers, president and CEO of Cisco; EdKozel, Cisco's chief technical officer; Donald Valentine, generalpartner at Sequoia Capital; James Gibbons, professor of electricalengineering and special counsel for industry relations at StanfordUniversity's Paul G. Allen Center for Integrated Systems; Richard Moley,senior vice president and general manager of Cisco's WAN Business Unit;Robert Puette, president and CEO of NetFrame Systems; Masayoshi Son,president and CEO of SOFTBANK Corporation; and Steven West, presidentand CEO of Hitachi Data Systems.

"In her work with Cisco's board, Carol Bartz has made significantcontributions to Cisco's growth and has demonstrated strong leadershipstrategy in worldwide sales and customer service and support," saidMorgridge. "We welcome her return to the board."

Bartz became president of Autodesk, the worldwide leader incomputer-aided design automation software, in April 1992. Shepreviously held positions at Sun Microsystems, serving as vice presidentof worldwide field operations and as an executive officer.

Cisco Announces Two Promotions

Carl Redfield will become senior vice president responsible formanufacturing and logistics at Cisco. Redfield has held severalmanufacturing positions since joining Cisco in 1993. Previously,Redfield spent 17 years with Digital Equipment Corp., where his lastposition was senior director of manufacturing and logistics for thePersonal Computer Division.

"Carl Redfield has contributed significantly to the development andimplementation of innovative manufacturing and logistics strategies forCisco, including Cisco's unique virtual manufacturing model," saidChambers. "He will continue to play an integral role in allowing Ciscoto maintain its growth and satisfy increasing customer demand."

Dan Scheinman, a five-year Cisco employee, will assume responsibilityfor directing all legal and government relations matters at Cisco. Scheinman has held various positions in the legal department sincejoining Cisco in 1992. Prior to joining Cisco, he was at the law firmof Gray, Carey, Ware & Freidenrich in Palo Alto, Calif., involved invarious transactions for high technology companies.

"Dan Scheinman has played a significant role in the development of thecompany, demonstrating sound business judgment and a strongunderstanding of our industry which has helped to drive Cisco's growth,"said Chambers.