SAN JOSE, Calif. - January 22, 1997 - Cisco Systems, Inc. todayannounced plans to integrate high-speed 56Kbps modem technology into itscurrent and future dial access product line. Cisco AS5200 customers willbe the first to benefit from high-speed 56Kbps modem technology.
Cisco will incorporate technology from both Lucent Technologies andRockwell Semiconductor Systems in the development and delivery of aninteroperable 56Kbps modem technology. The joint interoperable 56Kbpsmodem protocol, K56Flex(TM), is a combination of Rockwell's K56PLUS(TM)and Lucent's V.flex2(TM) technologies. As the industry migrates to thisnew protocol, end users will benefit from access to the media-rich worldwide web and online services with nearly twice the speed of today'sfastest modems.
Together with Microcom, Cisco plans to integrate 56Kbps modem technologyinto the Cisco AS5200 universal access server in the first half of 1997.Microcom currently supplies the modem technology, MODEMWARE(TM), foundin the Cisco AS5200 and continues to work closely with Cisco in thedevelopment of future departmental access servers. High-density dialaccess servers currently under development, incorporating Cisco'sacquired MICA Blazer technology, will also support 56Kbps technology.
"As our customers needs evolve, and new technologies are developed, itis crucial to our continued success that we integrate new technologiesthat demonstrate a high level of reliability for our subscribers," saidTim Kutt, president of Golden Triangle On Line, a Kitchener Canada basedInternet service provider. "The integration of reliable high speed56Kbps technology will translate to higher performance for oursubscribers dialing in and accessing the multimedia-rich World Wide Web.We look forward to integrating this new technology into our Cisco AS5200access servers in 1997."
"In 1997, service providers will need to scale their solutions to meetthe performance requirements of end-users executing large file transfersand multimedia applications. With this new higher speed solution, Ciscois well positioned to deliver the performance required of a maturingcustomer base," said Kevin Kennedy, vice president and general managerof the Access Business Unit at Cisco Systems. "We believe that Rockwelland Lucent Technologies' joint efforts and their combined 70 percentmarketshare will result in a stable 56Kbps industry protocol. Thesuperior performance of the Cisco AS5200 positions it well to enable theevolution of media rich Internet applications."
Cisco Systems
Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the leading global supplier of enterprise internetworking solutions,including routers, LAN and ATM switches, dial-up access servers andnetwork management software. These products, integrated by theCisco IOS and Cisco Systems are trademarks, and Cisco and theCisco logo are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. All othertrademarks, service marks, registered trademarks or registered servicemarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respectiveowners.