News Release

Network Service Providers to Profit From Cisco's Bundled Solutions

Cisco Announces First in Family of Single Vendor CPE
Oct 16, 1996

Cisco Announces First in Family of Single Vendor CPE Solutions forNetwork Service Providers, ISPs, and Resellers

SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 16, 1996 - Cisco Systems, Inc. today announcedEasy Connection Package for ISDN, a complete set of customer premisesequipment (CPE) and applications for ISDN dial-up access to office LocalArea Networks (LANs) and the Internet. This is the first in a family ofbundled solutions that will make it easier for network service providers,Internet service providers (ISPs), and resellers to offer customized,end-to-end Internet and Intranet solutions. The Easy Connection Package forISDN provides everything the end user needs for browsing, transferringfiles, logging onto remote hosts, accessing Internet news groups, andreal-time document sharing.

The Easy Connection Package for ISDN is the most comprehensive singlevendor solution available in today's market. By collaborating with CiscoSystems, network service providers and ISPs are able to quickly deliverInternet access with customizable software solutions that will enhancebrand presence and service differentiation at the end user site.

"By delivering this ISDN packaged solution, Cisco has showcased itscommitment to making service providers more profitable and demonstrated agood understanding of the challenges facing ISPs in today's marketplace,"said Liza Henderson, senior broadband consultant at TeleChoice Inc., aleading telecommunications consulting group based in Verona, New Jersey.

Easy Connection Package for ISDN includes the Cisco 760 series ISDN router,a low-cost, easy-to-manage multiprotocol access solution for affordablehigh speed access to office LANs and the Internet. The 760 series routershave an optional Network Termination 1 (NT1) device and come with severalinterfaces to eliminate the need for multiple phone lines or special ISDNphones.

Also included is CiscoRemote Plus software which provides high-performancedial access and other applications. CiscoRemote Plus is optimized for easyinstallation and allows service providers to design complete,standards-based internetworking solutions.

"Given the tremendous impetus to access the Internet and Intranets viaISDN, Cisco's Easy Connection Package for ISDN will give Surf Network, Inc.a competitive edge and the necessary tools to keep our customerssatisfied," said Alan Rihm, president of Surf Network, Inc., a regional ISPbased in Pennsylvania. Surf Network is aggressively deploying its highspeed digital services in the Philadelphia region. More than 80 percent ofits service area is now equipped to provide ISDN solutions.

"The bundled, CPE family of solutions will enable Cisco customers to easilyprovision low-cost, customizable services from a single vendor," said JonShantz, vice president of Cisco's Service Provider Market Unit. "The EasyConnection Package for ISDN, within the suite of CPE solutions from Cisco,will increase time-to-market and brand recognition for network serviceproviders."

Other solutions in the family of CPE solutions will address branch offices,Internet access and web sites for small offices, and security features.

Cisco Easy Connection Package for ISDN is available to network serviceproviders, ISPs, and resellers immediately with list prices starting at$649.

Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the leading global supplier ofinternetworking solutions for corporate intranets and the global Internet.Cisco's products - including routers, LAN and WAN switches, dial-up accessservers and network management software - are integrated by Cisco IOS=81software to link geographically dispersed LANs, WANs and IBM networks.Company news and product/service information are available at World WideWeb site Cisco is headquartered in San Jose,Calif.

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