News Release

Cisco Systems Increases Support of NetDay96

Resources available for educators and volunteers via
Oct 07, 1996

Resources available for educators and volunteers via Internet,videotapes

SAN JOSE, Calif. - October 7, 1996 - With the help of Cisco Systems, Inc.,schools across the country are gearing up to enter the information age inunprecedented numbers through NetDay96 events this month. Ciscohas made anumber of additional resources available to schools participating inNetDay96, including a video networking seminar, the NetDay96 How-To Guideand special educational discounts on networking hardware and software.

"Cisco's participation in NetDay96 is the latest step in what has been along journey for us in helping schools connect to the Internet," said JohnMorgridge, Cisco's chairman of the board. "We are proud to be a part ofthis and other ongoing educational efforts to keep our children at theforefront of the technological revolution." Cisco encourages othercompanies to join the NetDay96 effort by mobilizing their employees withthe interest and ability to volunteer in schools across the country.

As part of Cisco's support of NetDay96, 500 Cisco volunteers are donatingtheir time and skills in dozens of schools nationwide. Cisco has alsodonated equipment and services to individual schools participating inNetDay96.

"Cisco's commitment to education goes beyond wiring schools," saidMorgridge. "Our company has developed a number of initiatives to helpschools acquire the tools and the information they need to make the bestuse of available technology." Equipping teachers and administrators withvaluable knowledge of how to develop curricula helps teachers teach andstudents learn, said Morgridge.

With the Arizona State Department of Education, Cisco sponsored a nationalsatellite broadcast of the Cisco Internetworking Course for Education.Videotapes of the course are available through the Computer LearningFoundation. The NetDay96 How-To Guide,also sponsored by Cisco, is available at no charge over the World Wide Web,and print versions of the guide areavailable through the Computer Learning Foundation.

The largest of Cisco's educational efforts is the Virtual Schoolhouse Grantprogram, which in 1996 donated $1.5 million in cash, equipment and servicesto 150 schools to help them develop networks and connect to the Internet.Information about this grant program and other educational resources can befound at Cisco'sEducational Archive or by calling the CiscoEducation Hotline at 1-800-553-NETS.

Cisco is one of nine companies forming NetTEAM96, a consortium offeringcomprehensive assistance to states and schools planning NetDay96activities. Cisco also was a sponsor of the original NetDay, a pilotprogram held last March for California schools.

NetDay96 is a national program to wire America'sK-12 schools as a first step toward gaining Internet access. It is ahistoric grassroots effort in the classic American barn-raising tradition,with activities occuring on each of the four Saturdays in October 1996. Atleast 35 states are participating; individual state programs and timetablesvary. To see what's happening in any particular state, go to the NetDayWeb site and click on the state's image. Contact information, a list ofparticipating schools and information on how to volunteer are alsoavailable on the NetDay96 Web site.

CiscoSystems (NASDAQ:CSCO) is the leading global supplier of internetworkingsolutionsfor corporate intranets and the global Internet. Cisco'sproducts---includingrouters, LAN and WAN switches, dial-up access servers and network managementsoftware---are integrated by Cisco IOSTMsoftware tolink geographically dispersed LANs, WANs and IBM networks. Company news andproduct/service information are available at World Wide Web site Cisco is headquarteredin San Jose,Calif.

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